It is possible to get it without missing a payment, but it is very difficult. you can try to show them that you income is drastically reduced. But it wont be easy. but if you try try try it can happen.
If you call your bank, now a days, as everyone is at their throat trying to make ends meet, you can ask them to do a Loan Modification.
Loan Modification can happen in on e or two ways. They can lower interests rate at about 1% or 3% more or less. Or, they can reduce what you owe, matching the CURRENT value of your home, luckily the value of the properties has gone down.
But this is not just one call to the bank , and its done. NO, you have to call them everyday, every hour be consistent, be specific. Like if they would have been calling you as a collection, you have to do the same.
The bank will ask you to show why you need them to reduce it, like taxes, lost of job, etc.