2009-08-07 22:04:31 UTC
When i moved in the place was dirty and i took pictures of it, but my camera doesnt have dates on it.
When i moved in, the front door did not open, both sinks were scracthed up up badly and rusted, the caulk in the bathroom was seperated and disgusting and some of the cabinets were scratched . Any time i needed a repair they took forever. So i think they are the type that will try their hardest to keep your Deposit.
I have a cat who ripped up the carpet but i patched the spots up and you can barely tell. I had to replace 4 window blinds due to my dog messing them up. I am going to be FURIOUS if i dont get my deposit back. Because if i knew i wasnt going to get my deposit back, then i would of not replaced the 4 window blinds and just let the Landlord deduct it from my Deposit.
Do I have a chance of getting my deposit? ( I even bought a expensive carpet steamer)