ok i have been living in this apartment for 7 months and i have a 12 month lease. I recently found bed bugs in my matress. when i moved in i signed a addendum stating that i did not bring any into the apartment and that i did not notice anything wrong before i moved in. I contacted my landlord and he told me that he would have the exterminator come in. when the exterminator came he did nothing but move my bed and spray around it. I am currently waiting for my landlord to call me back and explain to me what he is goin to do about the problem. I also talked to one of the neighbors about it and she told me this is not the first time this happened the building also had bed bug reports right before i moved in. I just want to know if i can break my lease and move somewhere else and how do i go about breaking it? Basically i was tricked by the landlord when he knew that they had bed bug. Please and thank you in advance for your help.