Normally you would issue your tenants a 3 or 5 day notice to pay all back rent and any late fees or quit (move), (cure -compliance with the lease agreement), based on the laws of your state. This would also include lease or rental violations.
After the 3 or 5 days are up with no positive results on the part of the tenant, then you would have to file for a legal eviction through the court system
Once you have filed for the court ordered eviction, your tenants would be issue a summons. This summons is provided by the court to your tenant of the court date, place and time. You may serve this summons to your tenant or have a local law enforcement agency serve this document on your behalf.
There is a fee charged for you using the local law enforcement agency. You would need inquire of this service from the court clerk and pay the fee directly to the clerk.
Once the judge has ruled in your favor the judge will sign an eviction notice. This eviction notice will give the tenant(s) the day and time they would be required to vacate the rental unit.
You would be required to place this eviction notice in a place where your tenant (s) would be able to see it. Again you may do the placing of the eviction notice in a place where your tenants would be able to see it or you could once again employ the services of a law enforcement agencies that would serve this notice on your behalf. There is a fee for this service, you may find out the cost using the law enforcement from the county clerk. I find this to be a better solution as oppose to me serving the eviction notice.
Once the eviction notice has been served the tenants now have 14-45 days, depending on the eviction laws of your state in which to move, based on the date on the eviction notice. Failure on the part of the tenants to move before the date on the eviction notice, you may then call the local law enforcement agency to have these tenants physically removed from the property.
In some cases the law enforcement agency will allow them to return to secure any items they are not able to remove at this time. You should make sure the law enforcement agency will return for this removal of this property by the tenants.
This is a general eviction, however there might be quirks in your state eviction laws so make sure you Google eviction laws followed by your state.
If you feel as if you are not able to do this yourself, you might consider hiring a professional firm to handle this on your behalf. There is a fee for hiring such a firm. You would need to google for these type firms, followed by the city and state in which your reside.
Once you have successfully evicted your tenants, you would now be able to sue them in small claims court for any back rent or damage to the rental unit not covered by the deposit.
You are not entitled to a 30 day notice if you have failed to pay your rent. or in violation of your lease agreement.
I hope this has been of some benefit to you, good luck.