2010-08-07 09:35:42 UTC
From the beginning, since we moved in here there have been nothing but problems. The carpet was dirty and had possibly bugs in it that caused medical problems for my husband, and that needed to be changed. The A/C wasn't working the next month, and that needed to be changed. The apartment was an overall mess and so far my landlord has had to change the A/C, water heater, dishwasher, stove, and fridge. Just recently, towards the end of June and first half of July, there was a leak from the apartment above mine that left a HUGE puddle in my room, just by the bedroom door that soaked the entire carpet about 3 feet by 4 and a half feet and even when I wore sandals or shoes, the water would soak in. My landlord did nothing and told me to wait until it dried so he could get his "carpet man" to come and clean it. Well, it dried out, and no man ever came to clean it, and it's a month later. Who knows what kind of mold it left. I have seen evidence of previous times where that apartment has had leaks here that needed to be fixed. Just last weekend I found a snake in here as well, just outside of my bedroom door. I have reached my limits with this man. He called today and said (and I quote) : "If you don't pay your rent, you will be in big trouble, this is the last time I am calling for it." He treats me and my husband like if we are children and I am just tired of it. Is there a way that I do not have to pay him? Especially since he will be getting money from the new man who will be owning the place? I need to know what my options are, especially since I do not make a lot of money and I am about to go back to school.
(I live in Coral Springs, FL, if that helps...)