congratulations on your new path!
manekineo has tremendous success with creating list of important factors; for self and or Realtor.
manekineo only works with persons that manekineo has good relationship with.
for either, select your personal top five, and out of this, three non negotiable factors.
decide to only keep eye on prize.
use all resources, and delete negative resources, as they deflect one from their desire.
manekineo has never had a problem renting or purchasing home and has always gotten what manekineo wants.
personal wisdom dictates one to check at least 15 rentals, if this is your market, or 30 purchase homes, if this is your market.
also, have checked home at all hours of day if time possible in region. if not, than the personal factors must be even more important.
manekineo has run, with resume, references, pay stubs, social security card, drivers license, passport and copy, and financial statements to landlord or Realtor. manekineo has never been rejected, outside of another person attaining home because of higher bid or better timing.
manekineo found three homes manekineo liked, but lost bids. all homes were destroyed in weather storm.
manekineo found dream home, with perfect factors and now lives in dream home. manekineo's home is built like a castle.
eye on the prize!
all is well.