I would like to start shopping for a new apartment or town home. How would I start?
2006-07-10 08:33:40 UTC
I would like to start shopping for a new apartment or town home not to far from my job. How do I start?
106 answers:
2006-07-10 08:35:45 UTC
I would try a website like you can use a search engine to get you started.
2006-07-11 06:03:53 UTC
I'm going to assume you are buyer not a renter. The first things to consider are price range, location, convenience and the condition of the new apartment. Also, there are often different legal structures for the sale and ownership that you'll need to take into account. I'm not sure what country you live in, what the laws are, or what is available in your area.

Location is the easiest part usually. Draw a circle on a map around areas that are close to our workplace or if you like close to transportation hubs. Block out any neighborhoods that you know you'll not be interested in.

Get a Sunday edition of every newspaper in your area that has a nice Real Estate section and go around looking. After a week of this find a real estate agent. Ask him/her about the fee, and if that person would be available to take you around to look - during hours it is convenient for you. Take a camera with you, because after yo've looked at the first 10 places, they'll all start to blend in your memory. Be organized, and don't let the agent persuade you to jump at one of the first apartments you see. Don't let them be lazy; they are working for you. Keep all conversation strictly professional and do not discuss any personal business, unless it affects the type of unit you are buying. Make a list of all the things you want to check out - plumbing, homeowners association rules and fees, property taxes, parking, nearby public transportation, security in the building. type of floors.

While you are looking at each unit make notes on a separate sheet so you can be organized.

If you really like a few units, go back a second time and take someone with you who can evaluate condition better than you can. Even with inspection reports, you can miss something important. Again, don't be in a hurry to buy unless you MUST HAVE that one townhouse.... If you don't find anything, ask your agent to keep an eye out for new listings in that apartment building or area. Once again, don't let him/her steer you into paying a higher price than you want.

Since I don't know where you live, I don't know what the RE market is like in your area. How "soft" is it? Is it a buyers or sellers market? What is the trend in resale value? How quickly does RE in that area move? You have to know that, because you may have to make a decision when the right unit becomes available. You will be making an offer, but should it be for less for more or for the same as the asking price. When you make the offer, you need to make it contingent upon getting financing. Or if you have the cash for the whole sale, then you are in a better bargaining position. I hope all goes well for you.
2006-07-10 10:04:08 UTC
Get a real estate agent. If you just call different real estate offices to get prices on homes the agents will want to work with you. It's better if you just find one agent and have them do the work for you. All agents have access to a real estate database. Of course each agent is different try to find one that isn't afraid to get the best price for you, because some agents just want you to buy something and they don't care what price YOU will pay. The databases on the internet don't have all the info that you need, and many aren't updated as quickly as you would like them. An agent can find you homes that come right on the market, and you can see it as fast as possible. Believe me, when a nice town home comes on the market with a great price, it won't stay there long. There are homes that the first day they come on the market go under contract the next day. Also there are HUD homes, taken away by the bank, those go really fast because they are cheap, but not all are in the best condition.

Good luck
2006-07-10 10:00:59 UTC
You can try the web as some people have already mentioned. This is good because they list amenities and usually indicate if there is some sort of discount or special being offered. You could also try checking sections of town that you are interested in living in and just going from apartment to apartment. You might want to really narrow it down because most apartments charge a $25 application fee. They will let you check the place out before obligating you to filling out an application.

If you are real busy and just don't have the time in your schedule there are apartment agencies that actually do the looking for you. They are apartment search. You tell them what you are looking for and they contact you when they find what you are looking for. It cost you nothing because they get a comission from the apartment when they find tenants.

I hope I have given you some good suggestions. Good luck finding your appartment.
Keith h
2006-07-10 13:53:08 UTC
There happen to be two ways to start. First, is without a penny to you name start looking through yard sales and flea markets. In you travels a suggest a vintage approach, personally selecting unique items. Most of the time you can find very interesting tapestries, rugs, lamps, furniture, ect..,you know stuff to fill up space. Worn furniture is extremely comfortable, and with the right ten dollar blanket from walmart it can look any way you want it to. As far as pictures and knickknacks look for private garage sales and local flea markets, you'd be surprised at the kind of stuff can pick up for a couple dollars, all the while showing a unique personality and a safe conversation peace for nervous dates. Before long you'll have a sanctuary that is unique and full of positive energy. The second method is to succumb to the shrink rapped disposable society we have become, spend a fortune on furniture and trendy housewares, but beware you might give a quest the feeling of being hermetically sealed in with a person that has the personality of a Bologna sandwich.
2006-07-10 12:03:26 UTC
It has been my experience that most of the best deals you will find on apartments are not listed in the newspaper. I found my apartment while driving around my new neighborhood, I saw a sign in the window...apartment for rent. It's been 8 years and I have been very happy, and my rent hasn't increased more than 25.00 pm! If your looking to buy, it's a whole different ball game. First you need to decide what you can afford, and then you need to either get a real estate agent, or at least talk with a few if you plan on doing the search yourself! Try the has up to date real estate listings that let you determine the criteria.

Good Luck!
2006-07-10 08:44:17 UTC
First, find out how much you can afford (go to some loan calculators that are freely available on the net). Then find out what it is you are looking for (there is a ton of variety out there, see and see what the price range is for that type of home. Revise what you are looking for until it is within your previously discovered price range (DO NOT change your price range).

After you figure this most important step out talk to several local banks and see if you can pre-qualify for a loan of your price range. It's OKAY to have multiple banks checking your credit for a home mortgage at the same time so long as the checks are all within a two week period (when the credit score is calculated, it takes into account shopping around when it comes to home mortgages).

After you are pre-qualified (hopefully with a few banks) choose the best pre-qualified loan for you (I recommend lower APR over lower payment, but it depends all on your personal circumstances) and then go speak with a realtor about finding the right home for you. If you don't like the realtor, find a different one, because in the end you are essentially giving them a fat commission check, and I personally wouldn't want to give that nice sized check to someone I don't like.

If all goes well, you'll be moving into your new home shortly (30 to 45 days goes by fast). Start packing :)
2006-07-10 08:43:39 UTC
Get a local newspaper and the Sun. one if it's still available, and start calling those ads first. Remember to ask ea. place you call if the apts. are in an urban or suburan area so you'll get an idea of how far the drive to work will be. If you have a pet, ask about the pet deposit. Find out how much the deposit is and wheter or not its refundable (some places don't refund you the money when you leave), and ask how long of a lease you will have to sign. Also ask wheter or not the apt. is all elec. When you find one you like, get the address and call your local police dept. and tell them you'd like the call history for that address and the surrounding blocks. Don't forget to do this! When you're all done, drive by and see what you think and if you like it, set up an appt. w/the manager and bring a money order/check w/you - no cash. Then you'll be all set and ready to put your utilities in your name and get started! Good luck!
2006-07-11 06:32:54 UTC

Just goto a Real Estate broker. Try a few agencies. They have listings of apartments in your area, and can show you apartments or town homes that fit your needs.

If you intend to purchase (not rent), then the folowing is very important......MAKE SURE your credit, and your finances are in good standing!

If you purchase an apartment, more than likely it's going to be a co-op, or a condo. Either one is a good choice, but be aware that both have Boards, and there will be a screening process and an interview.

Make sure you can produce months of pay stubs, bank statements, proof of current address (bills), and some Boards even ask for reference letters, and a background check.

Don't let any of that discourage you from purchasing an apartment.....owning is far better than renting! Remenber that.

Buying a house may have less hassles, but again, make sure you have your finances and credit in order!

Good luck!
2006-07-10 10:11:01 UTC
First decide how much you want to pay for rent, second decide on the areas, these two go hand in hand, you get what you pay for, third get your local paper make selections based on utilities paid or not, you may be able to save money this way, check if the lease is monthly or annual, make some phone calls, then go visit the places you selected and check the conditon of the places you are considering renting, does it look like it is maintained well or does it need work? Take a close friend or realitive or if you know any handy men their opinions could save you some headache and make all the difference in buying a dump or a place you feel comfortable in.
still learning at 56
2006-07-10 17:33:35 UTC
Local papers tend to have rental ads. Ask around at your place of work, as people who live nearby usually do hear of an apartment or condo that may shortly be available. Try the bulletin board at the local universities, as landlords post signs for rentals to college age students, and you might get a good deal that way. Look on bulletin boards at the local grocers, and also take different routes to and from work - side street detours just to see what is out there. go to the link below as well, as they have a lot of listings for most of the USA if you live in this country. Good luck!
2006-07-11 08:23:29 UTC
First you would find a price that you like. Then you would find a city or town that you want to live in. Then go out looking for an apartment or town home that fits you.
Brown Id Girl
2006-07-10 11:34:57 UTC
Begin with WHere you want to live - in what area of town or how close/far from a particular place (i.e. beach, city, person). Drive the area and look for signs. Go to local real estate people who specialize in rentals. Pick up the local newspaper. Yahoo classifieds. Friends, family and/or business relations in the area. Your employer/school. Ask lots of questions about what is and is not included in the monthly fees (i.e. utilities), contracts. visit the area different times of the day and week. Good luck!
2006-07-13 11:05:11 UTC
I have a cousin and when she moved in she bough soooo many stuff, I think you should start with the basics, Couch, Dining Table, Bed, and Coffee Table

Slowly Slowly buy the little accesories you adore = D

My way of looking at the point

Some good places are Pier 1 Imports, Home Goods, Z Gallery, Pottery Barn, Identy Craft, Mall, Cate and Barel
2006-07-11 09:59:30 UTC
Go on I just bought a car from someone on there. It was so easy and friendly. A lot of the other sites are so industrial. I am actually looking for an apartment there right now. Everyone I talk to is really nice and very helpful. Other places you will have to deal with broker fees and other stuff that is unnecessary.

Good Luck
2006-07-11 07:04:09 UTC
At our supermarkets there are guides at the front of the store. They are little booklets and contain a ton of information. They are usually called Apartment Finder or Townehome Guide (the two we have) or something like that. I have had really good luck with these. Also ask co-workers/friends/family where they live. Sometimes word of mouth works best. You might try some websites too.
2006-07-10 22:37:23 UTC
congratulations on your new path!

manekineo has tremendous success with creating list of important factors; for self and or Realtor.

manekineo only works with persons that manekineo has good relationship with.

for either, select your personal top five, and out of this, three non negotiable factors.

decide to only keep eye on prize.

use all resources, and delete negative resources, as they deflect one from their desire.

manekineo has never had a problem renting or purchasing home and has always gotten what manekineo wants.

personal wisdom dictates one to check at least 15 rentals, if this is your market, or 30 purchase homes, if this is your market.

also, have checked home at all hours of day if time possible in region. if not, than the personal factors must be even more important.

manekineo has run, with resume, references, pay stubs, social security card, drivers license, passport and copy, and financial statements to landlord or Realtor. manekineo has never been rejected, outside of another person attaining home because of higher bid or better timing.

manekineo found three homes manekineo liked, but lost bids. all homes were destroyed in weather storm.

manekineo found dream home, with perfect factors and now lives in dream home. manekineo's home is built like a castle.

eye on the prize!

all is well.

Georgia Girl
2006-07-10 22:30:10 UTC
Pick the area of town that you want to live.Call a realtor ..they usualy have first hand info of any available place..sometimes before it's even listed. The newspapers will have listings and also on the computer ..they have a place on line where you can find places by location and also price range.If all else fails..walk around the neighborhood and look for signs.
2006-07-10 08:38:19 UTC
I would drive all around the area and look for 'for rent' signs and identify neighborhoods you want to live in and can afford.

Call the numbers on the signs and look at some apartments and compare them. don't rent the first one you see. Try doing it on your lunch, you can see how long it takes to get there from work. Try to talk to people who live in the areas. You can use the internet but i think physically going is better because you can tell if there's a train track next door or if it's across from a school or if there is a swimming pool down the block or if there is a sewage treatment plant next door.
2006-07-11 06:42:08 UTC
Many people first look for housing in their local newspaper. I, however, have two preferences:

1) I select the area in which I want to live, and then drive around the area. Often, you'll see "For Rent" signs. This gives you a visual reference of where you want to live and what's available in the area (ie: dry cleaners, grocery stores, post office, schools, etc.). Also, it will help you to get the proximity that you want to your job.

2) The other, more convienient, method is to look online. Many websites, such as and are ideal for that type of searching. You can search by the parameters of your chosing (state, city, zip code, price range, dwelling type) until you find what you're looking for. In many cases, you can even complete the application online. Also, many of the websites have a feature allowing you to see the apartment and its complex in a panoramic view. The best part is that you can do it in the convenience of your pajamas, if you want to.

Good luck to you!
2006-07-11 05:23:18 UTC
1) save your money and work-write in a small notebook what your price you want to pay for(what you could afford including utilities) and what you want this place to have.

2) having 1st and last months rent or at least a decent down payment for a house

3) pay off credit cards and check your credit report and start paying off any old debts

4) look in local newpaper or in local neighborhood(drive around and look for signs--for rent or for sell)

5) then contact these numbers

6) ask friends or anyone you know that you are looking in an area and if they know of a place to call you.

if you do it in these steps(start with 1 and work down) im sure you will find the right place for you and your budget, when you are buying a house get a relator that knows the area and get a mortgage company in your town.(they helped me with my 1st home, bought last month)

good luck and dont settle for first one you like--- keep looking and get the best one for you and it WILL TAKE TIME AND EFFORT

2006-07-10 22:18:24 UTC
Go online, and search web pages like RENT.COM. It will ask you for the area you will be moving to and the price range of your choice. Then you will be provided with a list of apartments for that area, along with information and pictures for the complex. I would select a few and visit the complexes during the day and night to see if it is quiet, or if people hang out....etc,etc. If the parking lot is empty during the day, that usually indicates that people actually go to work. I hope the best!!!
2006-07-10 14:40:25 UTC
Get an apartment guide book and the Sunday paper. The guide books are usually found just inside the front door of a grocery store like Kroger or Food Lion. You call all the ones you like or think you can afford and compare them. Go and see them before you decide on one.
2006-07-10 10:17:18 UTC
Are you looking to rent or buy?

To buy, start with a good real estate agent. Interview several before you choose one to work with. And don't be afraid to end that relationship if you don't feel the agent is doing a good job of showing you appropriate properties. Don't sign an agreement to be "exclusive" to one agent.

To rent, a good resource is, if your city is reperented on that website. Other sources of rental property listings include the classifieds in the paper, housing boards near colleges, and referrals from friends.
2006-07-10 10:13:00 UTC
I just recently went through this process. I asked around- friends who had recently bought apts. in my area- and saw if they went through realestate agencies and, if so, which ones. I also looked in the Globe for ads about places for rent and for sale. Another thing I did was go into realestate offices and take those free brochures full of ads with places for rent or for sale. I didnt want to use a realtor because of the extra cost, and I ended up with a very cute place in Beacon Hill. Good luck! Hope i could help :)
2006-07-10 10:05:10 UTC
Often towns have free apartment locator services. These services are usually free to the shopper - the apartments pay the commission. Check your yellow pages for "apartment locators". You can also do a web search with "apartment locators" and your town.
2006-07-11 09:33:07 UTC
The first place I'd look is on the internet of course, there's so much out there on the web now. Go on google's "maps" and put the city and state you're interested in. Then, do further research on-line about the places up for rent.
2006-07-10 08:39:24 UTC
Look in the yellow pages and find apartments or you can also look in the classifieds. Call the business up and they can send you a list of all the apartments that are available and it will tell how many rooms, appliances, and the amount of the rent.
2006-07-10 11:16:28 UTC
You can start by checking the newspaper for new apartments or town home.

Now I told you what to do to get started. Now get your A S S out there and start looking.
2006-07-10 10:40:06 UTC
Frist of all keep in mind about your finance i.e. how much you can spend ,then how much you can take as loan and how much tax you will have to pay. Then second thing you will have to do is to search for such a shopping place where you can find almost everything you need so that you can save your time and check out all that you need in a convenient manner.
loving 40+
2006-07-10 10:18:31 UTC
your shopping begins long before you get to the advertisement, realtor, or visiting potential home stages. your shopping begins with understanding how must rent, lease or mortgage you can afford, how much living space you need, what amenities you'd like to have, parking for yourself and guests, outdoor space, the type of neigborhood you'd like to live in and where (city or suburbs), how close the location is to schools, shopping, restaurants/entertainment, public transportation, major roadways and of course work as you mentioned. additionally, most condo and townhome communities have homeowner's associations....are you okay with that? the most important is being able to afford the cost of being in your own place (considering ALL expenses involved).

you didn't say whether you'll be living alone or sharing space. either way, your homework begins on paper.

i hope you find what you like and you're happy with your decision.
2006-07-10 21:57:05 UTC
Start by calling local realty companies. Watch your local newspaper. When going through realty companies, let them know specifically what location you would like to live in. Let them also know what ammenities you need, such as if the place has a dishwasher, fireplace, or extra closet space. Be honest. If you have a pet, make sure they allow pets. That's a start. Good luck.
2006-07-10 20:21:54 UTC
I would look for a home agent to help you. But if you dont want to then your other options are:

~look in the newspaper

~asking people about the best apartment building or town home around.

~go to

good luck
Daddy's girl
2006-07-10 12:05:30 UTC
Look in your local phonebook for apartment finders. You call, and set an appointment.Once there fill out a questionnaire and be interviewed on your interests and your done. They will call or email you with all the apartments that match your needs. Theydo take a percentage for their work, but it is worthwhile.
2006-07-11 08:51:31 UTC
Figure out your budget. Pick a nice area by talking to neighbors, talk to local police about crime. Parking is a biggie. Is it on or off the street. If it's on the street are there parking restrictions? Consider what else you need. Schools, church, close to a bus stop, is it rent controlled or not. Is security provided. Pets, yes or no.
2006-07-11 07:22:00 UTC
Consider your income (is it enough for the place you're looking at?), schools in the area if you have kids, is it a safe area (ie, high crime rate?) and is there public transit available (even if you have a car. Do you really want to have to drive your kids everywhere?). Is there a lease? What are the laws regarding rent increases in your area (% increase, how soon after you move in, etc).

Good Luck!
2006-07-10 16:13:41 UTC
start by saving up money and then when you have enough money look for an apartment/town home that is near your job and see if there is any free homes there...see what the price is and then buy it if you have enough and start saving money for your bills and all that kind of stuff...good luck...hope you find one soon and get the money to get it.
2006-07-10 10:24:00 UTC
The internet is great source of information. Since its not too far from where you are now drive around the areas you like. You will get by far more information by passing by than you will in the paper or internet. Good luck!!!
2006-07-10 18:38:08 UTC
Check out a local grocery store in that area and look for something called Apartment Finder, or go online and look up that zip code.
2006-07-11 10:06:27 UTC
decide how much that you can afford in your budget, then get an apartment guide at a grocery store they are usually free. or you can go to a web site and look there. they also have these places that you can sign up with that will help you look for an apartment.
2006-07-11 00:06:55 UTC
start searching in the area you like, or figure out where you want to live close to work etc then drive threw the area in the day and night. You will probably see some signs up for rentals.
2006-07-10 23:12:06 UTC
On-line. It's the most efficient and time-saving way. or My husband and are relocating to Oregon from Texas in less than a year, and have gotten virtual tours and floorplans from across the country. Think how much info you can get close by!
2006-07-11 07:57:49 UTC
Look in the local newspaper. Or go to Or some other website. Or drive around looking for "For Rent" signs. Theese are obvious answers I would've thought, but maybe not for everyone.
2006-07-11 06:30:40 UTC
Look in your local newspaper especially on Sundays for what you want and by area. In some larger cities there are actual pamphlets for homes, apartments and condo's.
2006-07-10 12:08:14 UTC
Find a rich guy, shake what your momma gave you for him, then tell him plain and simple, you can have some, but only if you provide a very comfortable living abode for me, and even then, you'll only get it it when I feel like giving it;) LOL Just kidding, actually you could easily log onto to your local news papers website, and go from there.
2006-07-10 15:09:50 UTC
well check your credit score see what that is like and how much you could put down. Go to yahoo and use one of the calculators they have so you know what you can afford every month to pay and set your budget then start shopping.
2006-07-10 13:39:53 UTC
It helps to make a couple of lists. Make one of everything you NEED, one of everything you WANT and one of everything you HAVE but want/need to replace. Start buying things off the NEED list first, then the WANT list and finally the HAVE list! And never buy without comparing and really thinking first. Buying things for a new home is lots of fun, but can add up REALLY really fast! So research and patience are key. Have fun! :-)
2016-10-14 11:38:17 UTC
not so.i'm interior of an same situation residing in an a lot less expensive domicile construction in a useful community in Atlanta.i hit upon the cost for the save manufacturers to be widespread. Now the plus facet;even as i purchase an merchandise from a thrift save i hit upon the object to be of more advantageous high quality.
2006-07-10 12:37:50 UTC
Look for all those throwaways at the local store that let you know what's for rent.

Check the Sunday section of the newspaper.

Cruise the area that you would like to be in and see what's available.
2006-07-10 08:41:23 UTC

It will let you know whether you are in a position to buy, and if so, how much you can afford, etc.

after getting prequalified, find a realtor in the area and work with them. and remember, as a buyer, it costs you nothing to use the services of the realtor.
2006-07-10 10:54:06 UTC
Try the newspaper. You can get cheaper houses or apartments from auctions the police have on seized property
2006-07-10 17:34:43 UTC
Start off doing a budget, then look in the newspapers to find some cheaper.
Caroline D.
2006-07-10 15:16:31 UTC
well i don't know how to start but i know where you should move if you live in San Diego move to Signature Point its great i live here it got a tennis court volleyball court pool inside racket ball court and a gym and by the volleyball have a grilling place and right across the street is a mini mall it awesome move here
Shining Star
2006-07-11 10:44:49 UTC
Get the place!

First think about.

Then start online window shopping.

After that go to Wally World(Wal-Mart),Pier 1 Imports and K-Mart etc.
2006-07-11 07:07:41 UTC
1st you start by saving up your money. You will need to be financially able to move out on your own. 2nd you will need to find out how much you can afford. You can start by searching websites or driving around your town.
2006-07-11 06:34:48 UTC
first decide if you wanna house or an apartment, if it's a house get pre-approved for a loan, then go to yahoo real estate search and enter your desired zip code. Then LOOK.
2006-07-11 06:12:25 UTC
2006-07-10 21:40:10 UTC
go into the phone look under apartment , and also go to the store and pick up an apartment guide book there when you first walk.
2006-07-10 10:56:34 UTC where I found my town home from. Of course, to save hussle, you may hire a realtor to assist you on home purchasing. They don't charge you until you find a satisfied home.
2006-07-10 18:50:09 UTC
Are you renting or buying? You can go to and look at listings or look in the apartment guide or newspaper for rentals.
2006-07-11 05:56:38 UTC
Determine budget, credit rating, convenience, restrictions or allowances, maintaining after the fact, furnishings, etc etc etc,,, then investigate within the ranges that you researched and discovered that most suit you.

Rev. Steven
2006-07-10 16:11:31 UTC
Look up websites that list real estate for sale. The one I have found that is excellent is below: Good LUCK!
2006-07-11 08:25:32 UTC
My suggestion would be to call a local Realtor, they usually now places to rent. They even own rental properties that you may be interested in.
2006-07-11 03:13:44 UTC
Get a apartment guide and look inside and maybe you'll

Find what your looking for.
2006-07-10 20:59:20 UTC
There is a website that you can use to buy, sell, rent houses or apartments. The name escapes me right now. A friend of mine used it successfully. If you would like to have it, please reply.
2006-07-10 12:57:35 UTC
figure out how much u wanna spend/make a month, how many rooms/baths, sq feet and then you can find a realter/broker anywhere, find one near you and call them, tell them what you want, how big, how much, location, they'll find some places, and then they'll take you to them and you can decide which one u like the most!
lover of Jehovah and Jesus
2006-07-10 16:02:06 UTC
either look in the newspaper in your town or go to a rental office and they will help you find what you are looking for
live_laugh_and learn something
2006-07-11 09:19:17 UTC
Here is a list of what you could do

-Check out a local newspaper/maginzine

-Word of mouth



These should help you out
2006-07-10 09:09:19 UTC
Here are just a few resources I like: (they charge $60 but most landlords accept their credit reports) (great source for privately held places, not big management companies)

2006-07-10 18:01:45 UTC
You can go to apartments .com to find something in your area
2006-07-11 06:48:41 UTC
Get a newspaper or real estate agent
2006-07-11 06:05:19 UTC
Carry a wallet thick with currency and credit cards
2006-07-10 14:13:38 UTC
I would got on line or look in news paper and go to a Realtor.
Blunt Honesty
2006-07-10 08:36:24 UTC
Go outside.
2006-07-11 10:41:14 UTC
i found my apartment on


and when you go through, you will get a $100 visa gift card.

good luck in whatever you decide
2006-07-10 16:01:50 UTC
Get Pre qualified through a bank or lender before you do anything! Otherwise you are just wasting your time!!!
2006-07-11 03:52:28 UTC
Check in the classifieds in your local newspaper.
2006-07-10 10:51:13 UTC how we found our apartment...and you get a free $100 gift card 3 months after you move into your new place
2006-07-10 08:37:36 UTC
look in a newspaper or those books with homes in them but first u have to pic a budget!!
2006-07-10 10:16:04 UTC
you have to look for a pennysaver and if you found an apartment that you like and its next to you're job then get it.
2006-07-10 20:23:17 UTC
The sunday paper.
2006-07-11 07:03:05 UTC
Newspapers, word of mouth, flyers
2006-07-10 14:23:02 UTC
apartment guide, newspaper,real estate agency
2006-07-10 10:19:03 UTC and other sites or just get the local paper and look at the ads. that's how i found my apartment
2006-07-11 10:19:32 UTC
go to real estates or look in the local newspaper
The one who knows
2006-07-10 16:10:11 UTC
go to a search engine like and put in what you are looking for and the price and you will be on your way.
2006-07-11 10:33:14 UTC
personally, i would begin by looking on the internet, specifically in the zip code you are interested in
2006-07-11 09:15:31 UTC
You go to Contry wide no one can do what country wide call now.
2006-07-11 08:43:21 UTC
drive around ur neighborhood and see if ther is houses for sale
2006-07-10 08:37:06 UTC
There's websites out there that you can search,,, and also look in your local paper, that's how I found mine.
chris b
2006-07-10 12:37:27 UTC
Try for information
2006-07-10 11:06:19 UTC or i found mine at and when you report you lease they send you $100 bucks
2006-07-10 16:27:10 UTC
look on a realstate website
2006-07-10 16:21:08 UTC
the real esate can help u but they do charge fees
2006-07-11 05:55:36 UTC
papper, walk around where you want to live, get phone numbers
2006-07-10 08:37:16 UTC
Go to
2006-07-11 08:31:34 UTC
go to!!! or go to your local newspaper online and go to classifieds and it will have listings for you there
2006-07-10 14:12:22 UTC
try --and then go to your closest city they should have great listings
2006-07-10 14:25:18 UTC
newspaper or websites.
devika h
2006-07-10 11:07:00 UTC
2006-07-11 08:43:17 UTC
call real estate
harsh v
2006-07-11 06:14:27 UTC
first enquire or later desire
2006-07-11 10:04:49 UTC
if you don't know, you're too stupid to be on your own
2006-07-11 09:27:20 UTC
2006-07-10 16:52:34 UTC
2006-07-10 20:14:35 UTC
you can do it online

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.