2014-02-15 07:00:23 UTC
If you have never touched a violin in your life, then you will not be able to play one.
If you have never touch the subject of making money in your life, then you will not become rich?
A parents violin's skill can not be passed on to their child, but the violin itself can.
A rich parents wealth building skills can not be passed down to a child, but the material and wealth accumulated can.
So, do you think making money (building wealth) is a skill/knowledge?
I personally think it is; through investing, and knowledge of financial. Learn the language, and you learn the system. "save money to become rich one day" may mean one thing to one person, and another to another person. Save $20,000 for that new car, and you'll never be rich; use that same money for a good stock, or good property, or any good investment vehicle and you're planting an early seed.
Again, do you consider making money (being wealthy) a skill? or, do you think it's bound by luck?
Thank you!