When you rent a council house you have to put your name down on a list. Then hope for the best. My sister had to wait 5 years and when she needed a two bedroom after having a baby she couldnt get one.
If you can afford to rent priavtely you should, council properies should be for those who can;t. The only people who can get a council property quickly are yuong women who get themselves pregnant and kicked out or drug addicts who have nowhere to live.
It takes ages to get a palce as there as so many people after a house and they dont build them. You might not be allowed to buy a house anymore as they stopped building but have high demand
I was looking into this recently as I am planning on moving in with my other half. He is in a coucnil property and it is rubbish-damp and falling apart- they arn't all like this.
Other options:
-you can claim benefits on certain prtivate rental properties but only if you are entitled to them
-some new housing companies let you rent a house for a year and then buy it. (barrett homes have done this not far from where I live)
-my auntie part bought her house with her local council years ago not sure if yuo can do this still
I imagine if you private rent your landlord has to foot the bill for certain things.
The council don't always repair things in a decent time scale. My Grandparents had ot wait about a year to get their house done. They can;t find contractors or someting. Then people turn up spend all their time in their van. they are called to another job
you could always sign up for a house (in wales we have two agencies who do this) and see if you can get one
Otherwise check out the rental propeties online in your area, you might be able to get something
i'm part time my boyfreind is full time we hope to rent privately - budgt of £400, i'm crossing my fingers.
i still live with my parents i'm going onto 24 now
all the best hope you find something soon