Have you tried to modify your loan? It is called Loan Modification. They (lender) if you can catch them, will lower your payment if you have a pitiful reason (so make one up), or if you lost health insurance and have to spend tons of money for medication and hospitalization, or even if you don't want to foreclose your home.
Everybody is doing loan modification. It's like refinancing only they will just rewrite your loan for a lower monthly - but the amount of your house which is exageratingly high and out of proportion because you probably bought it 0n 2004 - 2007. On those years, people are like heinnas wanting to own a house and buying on an ARM loans and even others were not qualified but made qualified for commission purposes. And then the people who helped acquiring the house, did not even told you you have to refinance after a number of years when you increase your income. Right? Well, some people did not increase their income and instead they borrowed more against the house thinking that when they sold the house they will make double. So, that's what happen to some people.
Anyway, when you modify your house, be careful there's a lot of alligators in the land lurking for victims for more money. Promising help but you have to pay a hefty price at the end. You thought you conserve some money but you got conned for like $50,000 for an attorney's fee. (equity of your home or what we called second loan on top of your original loan) to modify...be careful. You can do it yourself actually. Talk to your lender and kind of be very firm. Use the word foreclose. Lenders don't want to hear that awful word. Goodluck.
Othniel, you are a very nice person. I like you. We are on the same boat. Although I paid off mine already.