My husband and I are looking to buy a house. We found the perfect house within our price range, which is on the low end. However, we discovered that there was previous foundation repair (the slab was leveled) in 1998. The owner claims he does not have the paper work nor remember who performed the work. We will have the house inspected in a couple of days by an inspector. We live in an area with high humidity and clay makes up the majority of the subsoil so it is common for houses to eventually have foundation problems. This house is an older house (built in 1974) and we were informed by our realtor that it is good that the foundation was previously repaired since it is an older house. However, we are worried that there may be problems in the near future and since the owner does not have paperwork we cannot call up the previous business that fixed the problem to repair it. Should you buy a house with previous foundation work?