How do you feel about having foreign worker townships in your estate?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
How do you feel about having foreign worker townships in your estate?
261 answers:
2008-09-07 21:42:55 UTC
I think its crap from the govt. Will they allow the building to be build near the istana, parliament house or PM Lee's house? If it is so, then true Singaporeans will accept it. Otherwise do not talk about it.
2008-09-07 21:42:45 UTC
Its not a matter of accepting them into our heartlands, its a matter of whether we can accept their behaviour. Unless you are in denial, most Singaporeans would have already witnessed some of their less desirable qualities. Admittedly, not all of them behave the same way but the truth is that most of them do.

Alot of them are already housed within our heartlands. The consequence has been that our once safe heartlands are no longer as safe anymore. After its turns dark (esp on the weekends), they sit under the block and drink. And if that is not bad enough, they leave their glasses behind. I once asked a policeman if they could do anything about it and his reply to me was that we invited them to work in our country so we cant really chase them away as long as they dont turn rowdy. That is RIDICULOUS! Yes, they are here to work and yes they can drink but they cant do it at the void deck! What ever happened to our laws? Since when has sitting at the viod deck and drinking as a group considered legal or even acceptable? The neighbourhood policeman would be able to give you statistics on how many of the cases he sees a day are related to a foreign worker...and yet we are considering putting them in the heartlands?!!?

I understand that its not the culture of the workers that makes them behave this way, its their situation. They are in a foreign country, away from their family and with friends. So, they tend to party on the weekends. But they have no concern of the effects of their actions in our community bcos they dont consider us to be home.

Even if they are housed in SGTS and there are rules to prevent them from drinking there, they will move to the nearby areas to drink. And then, there would be no conducive environment to raise a good family. The safety of the citizens surrounding them would be affected.

The best place to place them would be in the non-functioning factories in the Tuas and Ubi area. This would be best for them and for the community at large. There is no point in forcing them into the heartlands and making the community accept them when there already has been such an obvious uproar against it.
L Word Rock !
2008-09-07 21:35:50 UTC
I notice that some foreign workers like to gather in big groups and sit around void decks or staircases leading to flats. After they left, they will normally leave behind a lot of rubbish and empty beer cans which I think is creating a bad environment to young children who live around the area. Foreign workers also brought with them their cultures which not many can be easily accepted by locals. It will be a big challenge for locals to live peacefully with them.

I will accept them only if they can behave themselves. As for which part of Singapore is suitable for such townships, I think it should be some offshore islands.
Danny F
2008-09-07 21:27:40 UTC
The only people that would welcome these township is those that can make money from these workers eg Seven Eleven and food stalls that sells their type of food. It is strange that these workers are not allow to drink inside their dom , but is release to the nearby blocks of flats to do their drinking and partying. Dont even considered township , having a table and chairs under one block is already bad enough , Can you see the amount of rubbish left behind esp after a week end. And worse urine inside lifts or at some corner ,as there are no toilets avaliable. I used to live in a block that have a old age corner , after the old people leave the center , the young ones comes and make a mess of the place. Concept is good but need proper monitoring. I am still washing the lifts in my block every weekend and holidays when ever I see/smell urine.Dont give me extra work to clean up after these people. One more point , the increase of bicycles chain up at land landing is an indication of the amount of foreign workers in my block.At present I can see 9 bicycles?. Our lifel anding is not built to accomodate these amount.
2008-09-07 21:56:11 UTC
1st of all, I'm a very family man. I'm in the SAF and i need to go overseas training often, leaving my young son and my wife in singapore which to the world is the more safe place on earth.

Now come to think of it, when there are alot of ill- manner and ill- discipline foreign workers wondering under my void deck dead drunk and will peep anywhere any time! Would i still feel safe leaving my family behind and be fully committed to my work? Lets all think about how many time have you seen police patrol car in your neighbourhood or multi storey car park or police man patrolling on foot/ bicycle?

I believe people in serangoon gardens had already thought about this security issue. Beside this issue, looking from the money sense, the housing price around that area will be affected too (I remember reading in the local papers about someone wanted a loan from the bank for his condo near geylang but was rejected by the bank because of the condo location.)

I will not accept foreign worker townships in my heartlands because of my family's security reason. Because of what i had seen and heard of foreign workers disturbing the youngs and women under void decks.

In tuas industries, i have seen workers hostals near industry park, i believe this might works.
2008-09-07 21:45:37 UTC
No, not me.

Not all these foreign workers are bad, I have worked with some of them. Some are hardworking, friendly and smart. But it only take one bad apple to cost a massive disturbance in the estate.

I stay somewhat near a place where foreign workers gather, they drink, make noise, spit and leave their rubbish everywhere. And they pee at corner of staircase.

So who is gonna tackle these problems. The same people that want to have a open heart ? What if something worst happened ?

To house so many foreign workers together will cost problem among themselves. As they are from different countries, working together sometime create friction, not to mention staying together.

Who want a big gang fight to be happening in their neighbour ?
2008-09-07 21:42:08 UTC
I will disagree with that. They can't even behave themselves. Is hard for us to accept them around that area.
Jacques D
2008-09-07 21:13:20 UTC
I wait for the MPs to lead the way and then i will willingly accept them...
2008-09-07 22:25:51 UTC
We have to be fair to the residents and accept the fact that the foreign workers CAN be a problem. Esp for families with maids and teenage daughters. But we must also accept the fact that Singapore needs foreign workforce, be it unskilled/skilled workers or the expats or our sports persons. I feel it will be wrong to 'chuck' them in some corner of the country just because their living styles are different from ours. I am sure there is a way we can work out for everyone to live comfortably with each other. Isn't 'Be courteous' 'Do not Litter' campaigns mainly for Singaporeans .Lets not forget that our current Vibrant Garden City, Singapore has been made up of early settlers from India and China.
2008-09-07 21:56:08 UTC
No, foreign worker townships should not be built in the heartlands. There has been numerous complaints by other Singaporeans against foreign workers but it seems like all these complaints have not been heeded by the authorities.

These foreign workers come from a different culture from ours. Drinking, fighting and other types of what we deem anti-social behaviour is quite common in their country. We cannot blame or change them instantly, but we should not put them where they can influence our way of living.

The heartlands is where our children are brought up. Do we want them to be influenced by such behaviour? Do we want to expose them to the dangers of fighting or worse? I think the answer is a definate "NO" for all parents.

I agree that foreign workers should also be given a decent living standard and am all for building townships for them. However, these should be located far from the heartlands. Perhaps in the industrial areas like Tuas or Kranji.
2008-09-07 23:55:06 UTC
Definitely, not.

But i would be able to accept a few roaming around the area.

For my area, few blocks away from mine, there will occasionally be foreign workers.This is due to a Mini-Mart located there, which i can accept.

Just go to Jurong Point(Boon Lay) or Jurong East, where lots of foreign workers reside.And you will know why.

As to which part will be suitable, thorough consideration would be needed as there is no 100% suitable place, with some votings needed to be done.

Quote from question : Which parts of Singapore do you think will be suitable to build such townships?

Most likely answer : "Definitely anywhere, EXCEPT the place where i stay". Sure there will be some biaseness.
2008-09-08 00:48:59 UTC
Firstly, I have been unemployed for the last nine months, is not that I am lazy or have not been effectively looking for a job. I am Singapore born Punjabi or you might say I am Indian.

If you vet thru the Straits Times Classified all positions require bilingual staff, the reason being for their Mandarin speaking clients. Even if it is not stated in the advertisements, the respond you get, when you call is “We looking for a “Mandarin speaking staff only”. I neither read nor write Mandarin or even speak Mandarin. A big maybe would be all Singaporean based companies have business dealing with China.

I sincerely do not believe that we have a shortage of staff; it is the employers who prefer to employ only bilingual staff. The other issue would be, cost saving of having foreign worker.

If anyone understands the CPF structure, if you employ a PR then the employer CPF contribution for the first year is 4%, second year is 9%. If you employ a Foreign Worker then levy is about $250.00 or less per month. We all know that employer CPF contribution is 14.5% for all Singaporean aged 50 and below. It there any incentive to employ a Singaporean, it does not seem so.

Well, am I against the idea of having Foreign Worker in my back yard, or should the really question be Can I stop them from moving into my back yard?

I have South Indians, Filipino, China, Ang Moh and some African nationals already residing in my estate. Is there anything I can do to stop them, I do not think so.

For the Serangong Gardens Residents, I do understand your predicament, but the truth of the matter is the Government wants it, they will get it done, your can scream till the cows come home, nothing will happen. Accept your faith.
2008-09-07 23:56:15 UTC
First and foremost, let us be practical before ruling with our hearts. This should not be some elitism issue but a practical consideration of the problems faced by residents. If there are solutions to what I've listed below, then I will be for it. I grew up in Serangoon Gardens and know many friends there.

Serangoon Gardens is a small township with an approximated household population of less than 1500. By introducing 1500 foreign workers into the estate, you face a mounting task to prevent social problems that may arise.

Secondly, there are only two entry points into Serangoon Gardens and three exit points. Each day during the peak hour (morning and evening), the time taken to enter the estate is approximately 10 mins due to the traffic congestion. Assuming 1500 workers arriving on buses carrying 40 workers each (that's 38 buses), how much can the small estate take?

Then there's the issue of allowing these foreign workers the freedom to roam and patronise the food stalls. Surely we cannot restrict them!?! Eateries in the area (Chomp Chomp, the Serangoon Garden Market, 4 coffee shops), will face crowding problems! As it is, it's hard to find seats in these places. Imagine just 500 of these foreign workers joining the crowd!

Without even being biased here, it's already clear to see why the estate is unsuitable for such a project. Let us not be hasty to blast out at the residents of the area, and let us also be tolerant of our migrant friends. After all, did our forefathers not arrive here once as migrants?
2008-09-08 09:32:32 UTC
I am not able to accept the foreign worker townships in our heartlands. It would create plenty of social issue and disrupt the peace of mind we have in living in HDB towns. Now, places whereas the workers are staying with a distance away is having issue. My sis lives near to a workers dormitary, the workers often hung around the estate after work, drinking and sitting on the tables or carts of the market produce shops which are closed in the evening. Those shops are really closed to the students care where my nieces are in. Whenever I fetched them, I felt uneasy. Heard stories about crimes committed by workers leaving Singapore the other day and were never caught, those crimes include rapes, etc. Though those are minority, but imagine 1 out of 100,000 will be enough to ruin a kid's life.

I believed area like Tuas, Ubi, or industrial area are more suitable for Townships. The Govt should also considered making it a real township, eg providing provision shops, canteen, recreation centre which are affordable to the workers in those township. No matter how grateful we are, we just want to have a peaceful night to sleep.

In a way, if we have to tolerate, why don't all of us tolerate together, and build some dormitary in Bukit Timah area? Why our heartlands?

Well, if we really have to build in our heartlands, most likely we won't have a choice. Hence, our fatigue police force may really need to consider mass recruitment? For one, some residents might start calling just because they are worried with noises they heard at night?
2008-09-09 00:02:56 UTC
1) To host 1000 or more foreign workers in the middle of a private residence area is an insensitive choice. Why not Turf Club? we know well the utilization of that huge place.

2) I respect and accept these workers but when they are arranged to come into the heartlands by thousands, heartlanders ourselves will have to face social risk and challenges in security and controls.

3) Whatever the solution is, it should not be a burden to the residents nearby. I am not suggesting to isolate them far away as they need to access some basic amenities like provision shops and atms too.

Which part of Singapore will be suitable? Let's plan it next to those forumers who criticized the Serangoon residents and let actions speak for words.
2008-09-08 20:06:36 UTC
Its amazing that this issue caused a stir when a private estate is the proposed site of a foreign worker hostel. For the HDB heartlanders, the foreign workers has been living near them and their presence felt for a number of years now. It is no longer an issue whether I can accept them or not.

Looking at the many workers domitories which have sprouted all over the island, I think it would be a good idea to put them together in township similar to HDB estates. With facilities equivalent to our HDB towns, the workers will get better amenities as well. The government, through HDB or its sub-building programme, can build them more cost-effectively. Companies can rent them ala the HDB rental scheme.

Tuas resents be the best loption. It has the vacant space necessary. Quite large percentage of workers have jobs in Jurong. It will certainly help ease the traffic coming to Jurong in the morning too.

It will be a win-win situation for parties involved in the issue. The workers get proper facilities, the companies pay lesser accomodating and transporting their workers, Singaporeans will not have them intruding too much in their residential areas and motorists to Jurong will experience lesser traffic jams during peak hours. This is not rocket science. Many will probably has the same idea.
2008-09-10 10:19:28 UTC
First, I must say I am not even in favour of the idea of having townships to accomodate a large number of foreign workers in any estate in Singapore. Building such township is a convenient means to solving existing accomodation problems by housing them all in 1 location but it will bring about more societal problems and stress. Currently, most Singaporeans do not have a positive opinion of foreign workers (it's not just Serangoon Garden residents) so having a township is a premature step to get locals to accept them and their living habits. If we really want to integrate them well, they should live in normal HDB flats, maybe with special permission granted by HDB with regulation that for every 5-room flat, only 15 workers can live in it.

As a lady, I'll feel very unsafe because like any other woman, I've always been ogled at by single or small group or foreign workers offensively from top to toe. Such a township would mean many different groups or even congregation of workers roaming the vicinity. As long as they behave normally and not ogle intensely at women, eyeing our bodies in a lewd manner, I have nothing against them living in the same neighbourhood. If they really want to build townships, it should be of smaller-scale housing about 200-300 workers first to gauge if it works for everyone.

My relatives live along Burghley Drive and I can fully understand their concerns. Anyway, that area is not suitable because workers need to take a feeder bus and can't possibly be walking 20min or so to get to the "circus", of which many eateries also cater to the more affluent residents. There's practically no entertainment suitable in the estate to keep them from roaming around the neighbourhood.
Death N
2008-09-09 06:36:45 UTC
l often see empty patches of land, no forests just plain grasslands while taking a tax along the highways. Why not there? lt will not be in close proximity to my estate, which l can see many protests. l would not want such townships in my estate either, it's not being racist but no one likes these changes.

l see this as a choice with both benefits and disadvantages, hypothetically if we allow such townships in our estates not only will we be able to keep them in check personally [citizen] but also promote the social acceptance of these people among our populatin over time.

lf we don't allow, the citizen's concerns will be satiated. Concerns mostly regarding unruly behaviours [l saw a few bangladesh throwing rocks at a mango tree under one of my nearby estates to obtain the fruits, what if that hit a window which it could have if l didn't point at a fruit on the ground and they quickly left.], possible disobedience to the rules and the citizen's unsureness.

l wouldn't say building townships is a good idea, something on a smaller scale for starters. Like a test drive, you don't rent a mercedes on the first day you had your driving license.
2008-09-08 21:39:25 UTC
It is very sad and disappointing that we have such inhumane fellow citizens around - classic example of people without compassion, gratefulness or tolerance. Sometimes, we fail to put ourselves in the shoes of these foreign workers - what if someday such a plight happens to us when we work overseas? To begin with, the island now known as Singapore was the site of a Malay fishing village where several hundred indigenous Orang Laut people lived. Now, there are Chinese, Indians, Caucasians & etc.. Were we not foreigners once a upon time? If we were regarded similarly and not given the basic rights to a home, would we be where we are now? Don't our locals also misbehave and make a mess by being inconsiderate? Instead of educating the people ostracising them is unfair.
2008-09-08 19:35:46 UTC
The answer is obvious and the reactions predictable. The authorities must have anticipated such resistance. In my opinion, what's a few thousand votes compared to retaining a GRC is an acceptable calculated political risk.

On second thought, this could be a brilliant way to receive feedbacks and ideas from the public on how to resolve the foreign workers housing issues. Instead of the whole cabinet brainstorming, let the people think for themselves and along the way discover and learn how difficult it is to resolve such "human" issues. And maybe, know a little bit more about ourselves and our attitudes on such matter.

The authority probably has few options on hand. Serangoon Garden is probably just a bait or it could become a precedent.
Silver Surfer
2008-09-08 11:55:33 UTC
Let us be open-minded about this. I can accept that and I think anywhere in Singapore is suitable to build a foreign worker township. As citizens in a land scarce country like Singapore, we have to make sacrifices sometimes.

How about Ang Mo Kio and Jurong Industrial Park, why are these industrial parks located in these areas? Should those residents there protest and wants the government will move them to another area?

I have actually worked in the construction industry before and have some contact with the foreign workers. Some of them actually have to stay in containers, which I have visited and conditions there are way below acceptable hygiene standards. It is due to their bosses have difficulties in renting a flat for them because a lot of flat owners have some misconceptions about them.

A lot of them come here to make an honest living and work hard for their families back home. Imagine that you are in a foreign country, slogging for your families and have to face this kind of discrimination.

How will you feel if you are not welcome by people and asked to go else where. Give them a better environment and show some appreciation/gratitude. Without their help, Singapore would never be so successful.
Chew Onn
2008-09-08 09:31:31 UTC
I am not a discriminating person and have never been. I am also not supportive of people who are judgemental, discriminating and the elitist.

I do also agree that these foreign workers should have a roof over their head, after all they do help contribute to the tight labour market that many Singaporeans shun even in bad economy.

However, in this question, I am unfortunate to have to say no to foreign worker townships within the heartlands. Foreign workers should have a decent lodging but not anywhere near the heartlands. I say this because of the many cases of drunk workers (who often get into fights by the way) who do not practise self restraints within themselves and cause, in what some people view as, inconsiderate behaviour. Would you like to have your teenage daughter coming home late from a full tiring day of revision in school and having to pass by these drunk workers? I have also read in the papers and know of many sexual vices from these foreign workers.

Perhaps the government can help to build a township for this foreign workers much further from the heartlands, in areas like Old Tampines (the vast land where HNS and Ikea Tampines is) and at the same time, include some basic facilitities of shops for them as well. Throwing the workers to ulu, far off places such as Neo Tiew Road or Lim Chu Kang is too much. They are after all humans like us and are deserving of decent amenities too. To get to the nearest shop or coffeeshop from Neo Tiew Road or Lim Chu Kang is just too inaccessible for them. Areas like Old Tampines Road is only a few bus stops away to Tampiness interchange, yet also not too close to the heartlanders.

The excuse about foreign workers being of different cultures is just an excuse. Those can be easily overcome if we practise tolerance and acceptance.

In a nut shell, my only concern is only for bad behaviour.
2008-09-08 03:14:32 UTC
I drive past 1 such foreign worker housing in Yishun very often.

The place looks very messy and cluttered and I do not believe the hygene is very acceptable and I do feel for them as 1 human to another. I have also seen those condominium units that they partition in St Michael road and my heart weeps for my colleagues that were staying there. I couldn't believe the sight, squalor and the smell.

But the most disturbing scene that I have seen in the Yishun quarters --- foreign ladies plying their trade, and in broad daylight. God only knows what's the scene at night.

Burghley Drive is a very quiet road in the early evenings. There are lots of young girls in this estate as there are several girls schools around the area. Would you if you had a young daughter accept this?

Whatever the final outcome is, I just hope that the living quarters designed to house the foreign workers be such that any average Singaporean can accept living thus. They are humans too and deserve to be treated as such. Conversely, I hope the workers themselves must also live by the motto, when in rome, do as the roman does.
2008-09-08 03:13:29 UTC
No questions that these foreign workers are here to make some money and that is all. But they failed on various turfs, to realised that when they go to any country to make a living, they need to respect the law or culture of that country. Just look behind the stretch of road para to Kaki Bukit Avenue 1. You can find all kinds of litters (some in plastics bags filled with empty food packages or whatever) or these foreign workers hang out below the highway. There again, this is partially caused by the fact that we do not have many places where they can have rest or healthy recreations. I would certainly not like to have them in my neighbourhood if it can be avoided. As to where such ideal townships is suitable, I believe that we need to first educate these foreign workers on our laws, cultures and some social etiquettes or acceptable behaviours before we embark on the thought on creating townships.
2008-09-09 22:58:27 UTC
I suppose the uproar is due to the inherent miscommunication (not that there is at all in the first place) between us and the foreign workers and thus leading to us not understanding them enough to empathise with them and not be so discriminating against them. We say that we are a cosmopolitan country but yet we are not used to the ideas of an egalitarian society. It seems that Singaporeans are not much developed in their mental capacity after all (no offense though).

For me, I suppose my first response would be to be averse to the idea, not being really strongly against it and yet not fully embracing it with open arms either. It would take quite some time to get used to the idea of living in a different environment but I suppose should I try to empathise with the foreign workers, I would come to terms with it eventually. After all, they are humans and possess desires and feelings as well, like us. It would be real sad should one discriminate against another just because of one's nationality or occupation.

What happened to the National Education message of 'No one owes Singapore a living'? These foreign workers are earning their keeps through honest means and to be so strongly against them just based on our stereotypes and biasness, would be too unfair a treatment, or should I say, inhumane?

If everyone objects to foreign workers living in the midst of them, wouldn't there be no places to sufficiently house them? Then Singaporeans would be willing to do all those construction and cleaning work for themselves? If that's a no, then I don't see why we should prevent them from finding a place of their own to live in.

Perhaps such townships should be located in or near areas which would or are undergoing further developments to facilitate convenience. The Jurong area would be undergoing a major makeoever soon. That's just a suggestion. Other than this, I have no idea where should such townships be suitable. Singapore is a small country, after all.
2008-09-08 17:36:30 UTC
My friend and I took a bus, passing through Little India when we were 17-18 many years back. There were many foreign workers who boarded the bus. They were staring at us, as if they were raping us from head to toe... the thought of it now disgusts me! I do not accept foreign worker townships within my heartland... it only takes a handful of them to disrupt the peace & safety that we enjoy. I respect that they take on jobs that Sporeans shun and contributes to our economy... that aside, I'm sure my fellow Sporeans share my view but we do not agree that wives, daughters, maids, maybe even grandmas and all Singaporeans should be put at risk with such foreign worker townships within heartlands, running the risk of robbery, violence and other criminal offences.

There is a notice at the far end of our multi-storey carpark that tells people not to urinate and defecate. There is a construction site just next to our estate since beginning of this year. I wonder which group of people is the sign targetted at. I have never seen that signage for the last 5 years since we moved into the estate.
2008-09-08 09:27:19 UTC
1. Yes. I would welcome them if they can be housed in small groups eg less than 25 in three to four streets for private estates and less than 50 in each neighbourhood..

2 I think it is the job of the govt or MOM to provide them with some BRIEFING regarding Singapore culture and mores.

3. Serangoon Gardens is a different situation. Already theres a lot of jams (people and traffic). Throwing another 1000 people (whether Singaporean or foreigner) there is crazy.

4. I am not for separate 'townships' for them. This sounds A LOT like apartheid of old South Africa. The arguments for having separate living areas in Singapore sound very much like the arguments of the whites re the blacks.

5. There are some locals who want to befriend these foreign workers and bless them as they have blessed us. The govt or MOM should help open doors for these locals to do so.
2008-09-08 01:10:26 UTC
I don't think it is appropriate to set up foreign worker townships right in the middle of where Singaporeans live.

I live in Fernvale (near Jalan Kayu). There are many foreign workers loitering around in the evening, and many of them sit on the floor outside the coffee shop near Block 436. Some drink beer, some eat peanuts, some read newspapers... There is usually a lot of trash on the floor the next morning - empty beer cans/bottles, plastic bags, newspaper. I don't like to walk past the coffee shop in the evening because these workers stare. Some of them even sit at void decks and drink beer and smoke. Once, at 2am in the morning, a drunk Chinese foreign worker was shouting downstairs at my block, threatening to "kill" the person on the phone if he/she did not return his money.

I see that someone of you think it is alright to have such townships in our heartlands. My question is: do you have foreign workers loitering in your neighbourhood in the evening? How about let's keep the survey to people who are really facing this situation?

It is a better idea to build such townships in a more remote part of Singapore. Yes, it will take time to send the workers to and fro the worksites, but I think this is a win-win solution. Singaporeans feel safer, our surrounding is cleaner, the foreign workers can have more freedom in their own townships, and foregin worker employers do not have to worry about controlling their workers. Singaporeans travel to work - some take 40 minutes and some even more - so why can't these foreign workers. The employers can certainly arrange for a lorry or bus to transport them.

Once again, I want to say to those who do not have foreign workers living in their neighbourhood: Imagine you're a woman or you have a daughter who comes home in the evening after work and there are always drunk or semi-drunk foreign workers sitting at your void deck. Do you feel safe?

Prevention is always better than cure.
2008-09-08 00:22:13 UTC
The idea is good but the choice of location is ill conceived and lacking in concern for the welfare of a private estate. We as Singaporeans need not isolate them but a better choice of location which is still accessible but not too close to a well established residential estate is a much better choice.

I cannot help emphazie more on 'accessibility' becos the transport needs of the workers are very important in work productivity. Serangoon gardens is not very accessible for large lorries and buses for ferrying the workers.

There are several alternative plots for the government to construct from anew well designed quarters - vacant lands in the Loyang area, Old tampines road area, Woodlands avenue area (not near residential area).. and many more. These places are not congested and will also help bring some human activity to these less densely populated areas. It is also true one of the residents brought up the loss in value of the properties in case of the settlement of the foreign workers. If the workers were to move there, should the residents be compensated for the value of their houses? at the end of the day, vote for a good solution. 'Management' is paid a premium and should come up w an above average solution, not just any solution.
2016-02-22 07:27:32 UTC
I am not able to accept the foreign worker townships in our heartlands. It would create plenty of social issue and disrupt the peace of mind we have in living in HDB towns. Now, places whereas the workers are staying with a distance away is having issue. My sis lives near to a workers dormitary, the workers often hung around the estate after work, drinking and sitting on the tables or carts of the market produce shops which are closed in the evening. Those shops are really closed to the students care where my nieces are in. Whenever I fetched them, I felt uneasy. Heard stories about crimes committed by workers leaving Singapore the other day and were never caught, those crimes include rapes, etc. Though those are minority, but imagine 1 out of 100,000 will be enough to ruin a kid's life.
2008-09-08 07:01:46 UTC
Many of these foreign workers are "New" to high rise living and have difficulties to adapt. This leads to the problems Singaporeans face when they invade a block of flats and so forth. Also their employers do not bother with the rules dictated by Hostel owners as they only cover them a place to rest. They do not care about amenities and free time activities. By product, many of these foreign workers spread out from their dormitories and permeate the heartlands that are nearby.

If their behaviours were not a problem, maybe someone in authority can explain why is it very difficult to move steadily in Serangoon Road and its immediate environs especially during weekends? Not to be racially bias but even the red light Geylang has been similarly invaded by International Foreign Workers stationed here.

I believe in Leadership by example (I think one of the core values of the SAF). Why not house these workers in areas like Oxley Rise and/or their environs or maybe somewhere in the Districts 9 and 10 or similar areas.

Better still re-cycle unused buildings in Sentosa for their hostels and even better give them free access on their off days to these areas. It should work best as economically no need for them to wait on roadsides and so forth for transport to work sites, they can just take a short walk to their work areas. The same also should be done at the IRCs except only allow them in if they can pay the entrance fees.
ng v
2008-09-08 06:53:34 UTC
The idea of a township built for them must be considered very seriously as this could be turned into a ghetto and pose serious security matters. Their employers should provide them accommodation within its premises and take full responsibilities for them. Why should other people carry that burden whilst the employers are enjoying the fruits of their labours directly.The burden of such township should not be borne by any heartlands as the value of the properties there would be affected. The govt should check with factories in the sungai kadut area to see whether there are empty premises where they can be used to convert into accomodation for them.
2008-09-08 04:58:18 UTC
I don't really care as it is not my business. But i think we must treat all human beings equally no matter where are they from. They have feelings too like us. I'm sure the foreign workers would be happy with the hostel. Through this, our country will get a positive will receive positve comments from other countries. And remember that the places that you live in such as HDB houses and condominiums are built by these foreign workers. Without them, we would not have so many buildings. Tell me, which Singaporeans would want to work as a contractor or even rubbish collector? Without the rubbish collectors whom are foreigners, imagine what would happen to the environment? It would be very dirty and there will be a stinking stench everywhere. Hence, we should not look down on these foreign workers as they have had contributed so much onto building our country into a better place to enjoy,work and live in. And lastly they are content with their salary unlike some Singaporeans who are greedy. They continue working in Singapore despite the low salary. If some Singaporeans receive a high salary but they think it is "very low",they would have resigned from their job.
2008-09-08 03:46:31 UTC
Where I live there is already too many foreign workers living and workign .

I had no choice as to whether I wanted it that way or not, unlike the Serangoon Gdns residents.

No if I had a choiCe I would rather they lived in a self contained township like the govt plans to do.

I dont have anything against foreign workers, but I do have everything against large crowds everywhere , not even being able to enjoy living in our own estates.

I think I speak for all sporeans. Maybe
2008-09-07 23:32:57 UTC
I live in Ubi which is near Kaki Bukit.When the night fall, they will hang around at my area and sitting down drinking beer and getting drunk. This is especially concern for me as when they are drunk, it is dangerous for residents especially woman who go home late at night. Sometimes I am afraid to go down to the shop and get some errands alone, I usually ask my brother to accompany me. What is more to the residents who have maids at home, this will be the time for them to get to know each other and exchange numbers and so on. I had seen a maid and a foreign worker doing indecent acts in my housing area. If there is a place for them to stay, it would be far away from the residents area, example near Choa Chu Kang Cemetary. It is not fair that the government wants to use unused school or buildings that is near the residential as a foreign worker township. The old unused building can be use as different things such as campsites for schools.
2008-09-09 00:44:08 UTC
I must say that the government has always maintain the policy of doing it first before consensus from the residents. Whatever comes out from this would marginalise them,who had been living in this area for decades. What allocate a 1,500 foreigners' enclave in a landed property area? This will actually lower the property value of this area and in time many long time residents would be forced to move out due to social problems that arise. Furthermore,they won't be much social intergration between citizens and foreigners,who are only here for 2 or 3 years. Incidentally,are there any background checks made on the foreigners who arrived here to work? Having about 40% foreigners to work in this country for the sake of competitiveness and productivity to face the global challenge may result in the negative if not properly administered and controlled.

Old HDB flats due to enblock relocation,disused factories in industrial estates and old unused buildings in certain locations can be renovated to house the ever-increasing numbers of foreigners entering the work force. This would appease both citizens and foreigners.
Suzy E
2008-09-08 08:50:29 UTC
The answer is: Are they humans too? It is a fact that we need foreign workers to help Singapore grow. It is also a fact that foreign workers bring with them different cultures, values etc. As Singaporeans, we have learnt to co-exist with different races and learning to live with other nationalities should not be any different. The word "townships" reminds me of South Africa and the book Animal Farm. I am truly ashamed that the suggestion should even be made in the first place. Are we saying that these foreign workers are lesser human beings or more prone to certain undesirable acts by way of the work they do or their background? Shame on those who discriminate : against the old, the disabled, the weak and now, the foreign workers. Maybe we should have a purpose-built township for imported foreign sport talent.
2008-09-08 02:00:38 UTC
I'm a Singaporean who just moved back from the US 6 months ago. I would have felt really insulted if the residents/citizens there wanted "the foreign population" to be housed away from the rest of them. I know that this is a different case because we are talking about low-wage foreign workers from (usually) third-word countries, not foreign students or expats.

Personally, I feel that Serangoon Gardens is not a good place to house 1000+ workers, because I attended CHIJ-Our Lady of Good Counsel and know that traffic in the "Circus" area would be backed up terribly if we have 1000+ more people going in and out of there.

Saying that, if we educate these workers on what's "acceptable" (not drinking at void decks, not urinating in public places, do not walk around "half-naked" etc), then yes, they are welcome in my estate, provided the infrastructure can support them. After all, they clean our streets, build our buildings and contribute to our economy maybe much more than your average Singaporean does, for much less than what we earn.
2008-09-08 01:09:54 UTC
Yes i would. I just feel that putting them in townships with shops and facilities behind the fence is as good as imprisoning them. it's so "apartheid". Why the physical segregation?

It's really the minority who are the troublemakers and security problems. What we need is proper assimilation programs for all these foreign workers to understand and respect Singapore's culture and way of life so they can "when in Rome, do as the Romans do".

If the Govt carries out these township plans, foreign media is going to have a field day criticizing our human rights problems again.

I know a few nice foreign workers who clean my apartment block and I really feel that for all the work they are doing, the least we can do is to treat them equally.
2008-09-08 22:59:55 UTC
It depends on which heartlands. Setting up foreign townships within middle class estate such as Serangoon gardens depressed the value of the property.The negative reactions have nothing to do with discriminating the foreign workers. It would have probably drawn the same reactions if govt decide to set up HDB rental flats in such area. There are guidelines to protect the GCB's areas. Hopefully there are also guidelines to protect the mid class locations. There's no HDB within GCB's locations, why should there be foregin workers dormitory within mid class areas.
2008-09-08 08:49:23 UTC
Being a long term resident in Serangoon Gardens, I dare say that I do not wish for foreign workers to be hosted here not because I think that they have a different living culture with us and that they will purposely befriend our maids etc.

Speaking from a student point of view, I believe many of us do understand that traffic conditions largely determines whether we get to our destinations early, on time, or late. While many may argue that Chomp Chomp itself has caused much traffic jams, they fail to understand that these traffic conditions are only at night, where few people have to rush off to work or go to school. Besides, most of the congestion is caused by cars, not lorries that carry about 20 pax. Imagine, 1000 workers / 20pax lorry = 50 lorries. Besides, Burghley Drive is a ONE WAY street, about 1 and a half lanes wide. Also, it just takes 5-6 lorries to line the whole street, and imagine if you're pressing for time at 6.30am. The feeder bus(one and only bus that comes at intervals of between 20mins to 30mins) 317 will probably have to wait a long time before it enters the neighbourhood. So if the bus normally comes at 6.30am, it will probably reach the Burghley bus stop only at 6.50am assuming workers leave for work around 6.30am. If your journey used to take 30mins, add another 20mins to it.

I do understand that we (sg residents) should not be treated with more priority or whatsoever that some have misunderstood us, but the nearest house is really less than 8metres away, it will cause the residents to feel uncomfortable.

Though there has been no proof that f.w will cause more crimes, but indeed many of the maids have become pregnant because of these f.w, as I have seen from many of neighbours having to send their maids home.

I guess many residents wouldn't mind if the f.w dorm was at least 100m away from the nearest residential area. Look at Jurong etc, I THINK that they are at least 100m or so away from the housing estates.

Besides, the Straits times reported that other identified sites were too near housing estates (600m). So isn't it contradictory?
2008-09-08 04:21:19 UTC
As far as I'm concerned, NO place in Singapore ought ever be turned into a township for foreigners! That would be making us no better than the Nazis confining the Jews to the Ghettoes or the pre-President Mandela regime of South Africa practising apartheid by segregating the non-whites from the whites!

In my opinion, the Serangoon Gardens residents against the housing of foreign workers in their estate are just a bunch of paranoid xenophobes! These people make me feel ashamed of being called Singaporean!
Shawn C
2008-09-08 02:42:43 UTC
Foreign Worker Townships - Because of our Foreign Talent Policy. Now, we have this Foreign Burden Problems in our hands. Why waste our income taxes to build a township for the foreigners? Are we going to depend on foreign workers to build our Integrated Resorts,Condos, infrastructure projects and service industry for the next 30 to 50 years?

If not then please don't waste our tax payers money.

First of all, is our Government ever focus on and take good care of our own old folks homes ( - facilities and services ), handicaps, underprivileged and the truly lower income groups of Singaporeans - who had born in Singapore, who did National Service and 13 years re-service cycle and their sons too. These are the Singaporean who had gone throught hardship to build our economic, defence and educations etc. They and their love ones had made sacrifices to our nation since the start of National Service in 1967. They are the true Singaporeans who are going to stand up and fight for Singapore when there is a war. How about the so called Foreign Talents and Foreign Workers who are here to take advantage of our economic and will ran away for sure when Singapore faces a serious crisis.

My opinion is that please listen to the local and look after your home and your own Singaporean first before you lay red carpet for the Foreigner workers and the so called Foreign Talents.

I am not an elite nor do I stay at the Serangoon Garden Estate. The idea of turning the former Serangoon Gardens Technical School into a hostel for foreign workers is not suitable. My suggestion is that why not we look at some of the old Amy Camps which are currently not in used and convert them into hostels for the foreign workers? This will solve most of the issues raised by the Serangoon Garden Residents. Since these foreign workers are going to house in a fenced compound and will be easily managed by engaging an Estate Management Company to look after them.

Any of the old redundant Amy Camps except in District 9, 10, 11 and Sentosa will be suitable to convert into hostel for foreign workers.
Bukit c
2008-09-08 02:37:17 UTC
Don’t point your finger at the foreigner workers. I live in HDB flat and my area there are no foreigner workers living there. And yet the void deck is still dirty with all the littering. Each night when I get home and open my letter box, there are always junk mails, advertisement papers and property agent leaflet all over the floor. Obviously they are thrown by the local even there is a waste bin provided not more than few meters away.

Singaporeans are so good in criticising and pointing finger at others but never knew other own ugly side. I don’t believe all the 500,000 foreigner workers in Singapore are poorly disciplined. It is only a few bad apples and we Singaporean are not that disciplined either.
2008-09-08 00:47:12 UTC
Yes, there is a need to embrace them not because they contribute to our economy but as fellow human beings. To look at them any lesser is to debase ourselves. Perhaps MND can talk to the workers instead and see if they would like to be warehoused in some remote part of Singapore or be in the heartlands. A plausible way forward is for MND to buy whole block of flats from HDB/open market the flats in little India area (sort of existing township) where many of them already reside/hang around and lease it to them. I am sure a few blocks could house thousands already. These workers deserve no less than decent housing. It could also be a way out for those Singaporeans complaining and wanting to get out of the area.
2008-09-09 05:50:10 UTC
I'll definitely not agree to foreign workers' hostel built near residential areas. Think about the consequences!! It is agreeable that not all foreign workers are rowdy but it is a fact that they are already 'hardened' with their own cultures and lifestyles. It is impossible to change them overnight. As a young female, I can't imagine living near those foreign workers being ogled at, whistled at or even being approached. I'm living no where near them and yet I had encountered countless such harassments and who knows what else if they lose their minds under the influence of booze. It is very ironical that government make such arrangements yet not willing to take the first step to have those hostels built near their estates. What about the security issues? Is it even useful to have numerous police stations built in a neighbourhood? I seriously hope government can rethink before proposing such proposals to Singaporeans. Instead of having so many foreign 'talents', think about how to retain true blue Singaporeans. Imagine how Singapore would be like when Singaporeans were not true Singaporeans but foreigners converted to Singapore PRs and Singapore citizens.
2008-09-11 09:55:00 UTC
I'm fine having foreign workers in my estate. However, it would be better if the townships are on a much smaller scale if its possible. This way, there wouldn't be huge masses of foreign workers going to work in the mornings and further disrupting traffic.
Prince V
2008-09-09 02:16:55 UTC
No, I personally don't welcome or like them to be in Burghley Drive and I'm not willing to accept them. They should be housed in industrial area where all their fellow worker are there.

They are here to earn an living then return back to where they came from, they are not committed to Singapore. Their culture, mentality, habit and social behaviour are totally different from us. They'll cause endless troubles to the resident.

After work, they will patronise the neighbourhood store for food and drink. They tend to dis-cared their leftover all over the neighbourhood, the very next day, sweeper will have to suffer.

Weekend, they will gather around the neighbourhood void deck or open ground to party, the same problem return.

What about toilet? Not enough toilet or too far away... They will have the tendency to settle behind the block, black alley etc etc

So, do u think it's safe for any girl to return home at night?

How would u feel, if you are fetching your son or daughter back from school and they would to ask you, "What is the uncle doing, why is he urinating there?" What and how would you explain?

It's true, not all of them are bad, but prevention is better then cure!

Yes, we impose a fine on them but with their salary, how many time can they pay their fine?
2008-09-08 22:36:05 UTC
Well, I can see some of the Singaporeans considering these foreign workers as totally unwanted, but I think they are much needed in Singapore, I generally see on the roads, gardens, everywhere these guys make Singapore what it is, Also I am of the view that 1000 in one locality may be a bit too much, so lets look for a distributed approach in Singapore.
2008-09-08 21:01:26 UTC
When I first read the article about this uproar at Serangoon Gardens last weekend, I was really disappointed on the way Singaporeans reacted on this was a clear manifestation of racism..Singaporeans kept on saying that they are after the security of their neighborhood but the truth is they don't want to brush elbows with these people - an obvious sign discrimination. I pity the Singaporeans more than these foreign workers because if they continue to behave this way, they might end up to nothing because they are not open to possibilities that these foreign workers bring to their nation. I am not a Singaporean nor a foreign worker...I view this issue from the point of view of a middle man...
2008-09-08 06:15:14 UTC
There should be separation between work sites and workers accomodations. One concern about such townships would be that it may degenerate into slums. There may be security problems with some foreign workers. Another thing is that if it is situated near some private residential estates it may alter the serenity and atmosphere of the estates. It may affect the property prices.
2008-09-08 03:12:35 UTC
I definitely will not feel comfortable. I have a foreign workers dormitory located next door at where I work in western part of Singapore. Every evening they will gather along the foot path to eat and chat...I am fine with that....

It is the next morning...while on the way to work, where i pass by where they had gathered the night before and the mess and left over that i am very disturbed.

And these are just things that i am able to observe...What about other

more rowdy things that might go on that we don't see?

Some of the things they left behind are food wrapping with left over food, beer bottles, broken glasses etc...Then there's are ants,and other pests that feed on the left overs.. and others items as well.

Very dirty and messy. So, excuse me if I don't support having a worker dormitory in my estate
2008-09-08 02:45:55 UTC
I can understand with the residents of Serangoon Gardens on the uproar about building a foreign workers hostel. It disturb the peace and quiet in that community. I am not saying all foreign worker will create havoc but there's bound to have the black sheep's.

Children and women safety has to be taken into consideration also. Crime rates will go up also ( robbery, molest, drugs, fights etc.)
william hunk
2008-09-08 02:12:54 UTC
No way even though I'm staying in a flat. Reasons:

1) The Serangoon Gnds area not well lit.

2) Alot of landed houses with low fences/walls.

3) Most house holds have maids. Thus easily subject to distraction/disturbance from male foreign workers. This is a fact.

4) Who can guarantee the safety of the residence there?

Yes. Our men in blue do petrol that area, but I think they won't be at one spot 24/7, right? If anything really does happen, what's their respond time? Might be too late...

If you happen to drive past Jln Kayu area at night, you'll see that there are alot of foreign workers drinking,sitting and forming large groups just next to those landed houses. How would you feel if you come out at night( if you're staying in these area) and when you look out of your house, you see a group of drunkards lying on the pavement?

Housing them in industrial areas is a better and safer choice. There are still many industrial areas eg. Defu Lane, Tampines, Pasir Ris, Eunos or even AMK industrial park. Have the relevant authorities considered this areas?
2008-09-07 23:52:37 UTC
No no no. No Way!!!

A small cluster of 5 to 6 workers living in a house unit within the neighbourhood is in general acceptable.

But a big gang of 500 to 1000 is absolutely NOT ACCEPTABLE!

I'm sure residents of Serangoon Garden would be most upset that their tranquil heartland is transformed into another Little India overnight.

Why not built this foreign workers township right next to our Istana instead? or perhaps somewhere in Sixth Ave or within our cluster area of foreign embassy?
Grace T
2008-09-07 23:49:57 UTC
1) Countries don't sprout people like mushrooms straight from the ground - we all came from somewhere else to stay where we are now, even if it was our ancestors who did the travelling. Why should one person be given priority over another because they have been squatting in one place for longer?

2) If they are considered only "temporary" and therefore don't deserve decent living conditions, then think about those of us who work and study overseas - do they deserve sub-standard living conditions also just because they are not a citizen of "X" country?

3) Every basket of apples is sure to have a few rotten ones. Personally, I sometimes find our locals to be more of a nuisance and more inconsiderate than any foreign workers I've met. Their problems are largely a lack of space - by denying them more space, are you trying to say that their problems should continue because it's not your problem?

Many of us come from a background of racist and prejudiced thinking - it's time to see everyone as people and not treat some people as slave workers. This applies for foreign domestic workers also - everyone has a family, everyone has needs, everyone makes mistakes. If ever the day comes that all the foreign workers leave Singapore at the same time, we'll find out how much we really depend on them. It's time to act our age instead of refusing to speak to strangers.
Eric S
2008-09-07 23:44:49 UTC
Whoever came out with this idea must be a big mouth with a tiny brain.

Did he ever consider the possibility of mass rioting or serious crimes being committed around that area? Do they have the enough policemen to contain or even frequently patrolling there?

Come on, get real! They couldn't even find Mas Selamat with the entire police force mobilized and still feel complacent about such big plans. Any would be criminal or terrorist could easily conceal himself among the 1000 and has plenty of time to plan his escape.

Then, Serangoon Gardens will gain a new names like Wayang Gardens or Parade Gardens when criminal events do happen.

BTW, I'm not from SG but as a true blue Singaporean I'm disillussioned by the goverment policies. We do not have rights to even preserve our own heritage, icons and fond memories. Thet shold really consider giving up part of Istana since they have the space and hopefully then they would realise the true meaning of "Space" to the ageing folks there. This has nothing to do with their middle class status but out of the respect for what they have 'CONTRIBUTED' to the nation building during their heydays. We are an ageing nation and a little consideration for them may benefit us one day.

I just hope they will not go to the point of placing columbarium in our void decks just because there are too many of us going at the same time.
2008-09-07 22:44:35 UTC
Land is scarce in Singapore, there are residential estates everywhere. It is very difficult to build foreign worker townships far away from heartlands, except maybe in Pulau Ubin or Tekong! The existing areas like Jurong are already fully cluttered with these foreign workers. The MRT train, station and park are very crowded (mainly foreign workers) on weekends. Are Jurong residents not Singaporeans? They loitered and spitted at the void decks, sat in big groups on grass patches with many bottles of beer. It is only fair that these workers lodging are spreaded across Singapore, not just Jurong or other existing areas.
2008-09-07 22:28:17 UTC
The bottom line is property value.

Its not an issue about "racial harmony" or discrimination of the foreign workers, but how the residence will see with the introduction of the dormitory, which will be an eye sore to the estate thus devalue the property for future buyers.

Just like Holland Village. The values of the properties keep rising because of the expats who live there, making it a "prestige" location for eveyone. Even the prices of the old HDBs are outrageous.

Hence I too won't be happy if I have invested heavily on my property which later gets devalued just because of a few blocks of foreign workers dormitory across my house.
Val W
2008-09-08 08:49:34 UTC
I stayed in Serangoon. Some months ago, I was agreeing with the government that there should be a decent place for the foreign workers to sleep and rest since they build the houses for Singaporeans to live in. Then later, after i heard the news that this is going to be near my house, it is hard not to have concerns. It sounds contradictory but I think everyone will have the same sentiments. I can only hope that every thing turns out well. I was imagining seeing them in the supermarkets and shops that i go now.
2008-09-09 02:33:39 UTC
I think everything boils down to $ and cts. I guess that so long as it costs money, the govt may not be in favour of it. Housing them in the old school sounds cheaper than building a domitory. After years of complaints from the Geylang & Joo Chiat residents about the prostitutes and foreign workers, nothing is done to relocate these sleazy activities to another remote area. Is it because this business is necessary to keep the foreigners in S'pore? So the Serangoon Garden cries may fall to deaf ears... I don't know. The situation in Jurong/Boon Lay is an example. Singapore needs these FW, so its either you tolerate them and their culture, or you move away. Like them or not, they are here to stay.

I do not condemn the FW. I think their employers should have the capacity to set firm & strict rules and to set boundaries for their FW to follow and obey. But generally, when people are treated well, they will naturally be more co-operative.
2008-09-09 03:17:06 UTC
My view on this is that the residents of Serangoon Gardens have a genuine concern, the initiator of this project must look into it from every perspectives and angles. It’s not just a matter of security, cleanliness and social behaviors. I have been working with these workers for many years now and understand them very well. They have these mindsets that are not easy to change and they are very staunch towards their practices. Having a township with more then 1000 peoples will invite lots of problems. We should find a balance with providing them with a comfortable livelihood and not compromising the estate’s residents.
2014-11-01 13:39:08 UTC
Just go to Jurong Point(Boon Lay) or Jurong East, where lots of foreign workers reside.And you will know why.

As to which part will be suitable, thorough consideration would be needed as there is no 100% suitable place, with some votings needed to be done.

Quote from question : Which parts of Singapore do you think will be suitable to build such townships?

Most likely answer : "Definitely anywhere, EXCEPT the pla
2008-09-08 20:49:52 UTC
Any one of you here lives near Jurong Point? During the weekends, the whole place is absolutely jam-packed with foreign workers.

The problem is, they are loud, boorish. They drink a lot of beer and left the litters everywhere. Some even vomited and left a mess at the void decks or park near Jurong Point. There was a few times when I saw a few of them urinating into the big canal.

Who knows if the situation will go overboard if they had too much liquor? I think the situation is getting crazy and I'm desperately looking for a house that is in more homogeneous environment.
2008-09-08 20:12:27 UTC
Here's another point of view - do you think Bangladeshi's will be happy if I moved to Bangladesh and opened 烧肉 stalls in every village and the few Chinese living there came for miles to eat there?

Or maybe steak restaurants in New Delhi and every expat congregated there for steak tartare.

Net net it goes beyond property values although that's an undeniable factor.

In the case of the Serangoon Gardens residents they're just displaying the same symptoms as the white Australians in Brisbane did when the Asians started moving in an adverse reaction when the social homogenity (upper middle income families) of a community is disrupted.

Gardens has a significant Eurasian / Pernakan community - you don't see the Manjans running around "Saying get out you Geragoe / Chap Zheng".

We're not racist, we're neo colonial cultural imperialists.

And btw for all of those people complaining about workers getting together and getting drunk and rowdy have you been in a kopitiam watching soccer before??

You think the Singaporeans there all drink 豆奶 and clap politely when goals are scored arh?
2008-09-08 19:44:05 UTC
no, i willn't like having a foreign worker township in my estate. but i wouldn't mind foreign workers living in my estate. building a township for the foreign workers, do not integrate them. it will be good if there is distribution ratio, say 100 residents, a max of 5 are foreign workers. also the rule of not allowing them to drink in the hostels, should be reversed, such that they cannot get drunk(per traffic police guidelines) outside, but can drink inside the hostels
2008-09-08 05:43:40 UTC
I will accept then if they change their bad habits. I live in Whampoa, a considerably older housing estate, and although i live in an apartment, many foreign workers frequently loiter around the outside of my apartment. If not, they create a big commotion in the middle of the night. Me, being a woman, i also feel unsafe when going down alone. Their eyes practically track you. Townships should be located away from the heartlands. It seems unlikely that they shall change their habits.
RickyG JG
2008-09-08 21:36:52 UTC
The govt chose a facility that had not been used. Sure it is in Serangoon Gardens. Sure it is always going to be behind someone's backyard, as long as it is in Singapore. We are land scarce.What do you expect. And lets not generalise these workers. They may not be dressed the best. They are paid low wages which is why we have them, to keep our cost base low but they are sometimes better behaved then some of the kids we have at home. So lets not term and generalise them to the scum we not need. One said , a city with only statecraft whithout soulcraft remains a state, not yet a country. So a people who are yet to find pride in themselves and not in the things around them are people still growing. We will finally get there when things like this wont bother us so much. But for now, lets deal with the fact that we do need these folks. we can better manage our surroundings by ensuring where they stay is well kept, increasing security patrols and making sure that some amount of dress code is practiced when they move around the area equivalent to what we deem as " middle class " acceptable. Problem solved. Next to enforce and manage. Topic closed.
2008-09-08 18:38:20 UTC
I like to stress that we have to be thankful to the foreign workers for their contribution here and that I have no bad feeling towards them. I just feel its a mismatch to have a hostel in a private estate. It will spoilt the peaceful surrounding and security that the resident have especially during weekends because majority of them are very unruly and they can be a nuisance too. Can you image many groups of them grouping together and many more loitering around doing nothing. One good example you can see is in Little India where residents there do not have peace during weekends when all the foreign swamp their void decks as well as the roads until barricades have to be place to block them. I feel that they should have a place of their own allocated for them in the industrial area but not to far from the main estate so that they can have a place to go during weekends which will in the end also help contribute to the economy.
2008-09-08 03:11:21 UTC
It's REALLY SAD when I read about this news. It exactly mimics the kind of human selfish-ness and racism in the book I studied way back in my secondary school called . I never expect that one day our own "white" Singaporeans were to do what "white" Americans did.

How would we feel if we Chinese were to find work in America or any of the "white" countries such as Australia, New Zealand, to be TOLD to live far away and/or be situated in townships far away from their own "white" community estates? Or to be unjustly labelled that we Chinese only create trouble, rape kids, rob the old, cause nuisance and disturbance? Could we accept it?

These workers, just like any one of us, are born with family and has family back home. Think for a moment of why would they come all the way here to do such things? And why are we "sentencing" them all the evil deeds when they have not done any?

I say, GIVE THEM A CHANCE, for they are humans just like any one of us, DON'T SENTENCE THEM when they have not done anything wrong, and SHOW THEM HUMAN COMPASSION, when they greatly need so at a time when they are so far away from home.

Btw, I stay in Serangoon Gardens. To the MPs, pls do not move them away.
Hey Hey
2008-09-08 03:07:04 UTC
this is such a simple problem. Housing these foreign workers is not a big problem at all. Why in the first place does this person ask this question and have to relate it to serrangoon garden? Why not ask who will like foreign workers hostel to be next to their home and where do you live?

Then we will know where the majority of the gracious Singaporean are living and where to build the foreign workers hostel. I hoped the people in Bukit Timah, Nassim and Orchard Road can be gracious enough to allow our friendly foreign worker a home and speak up in support of having a foreign worker hostel to spice up their boring live.

Don't you all agree? If these people in Serrangoon garden are not happy with the foreign workers hostel. Just put this hostel in a more loving and gracious neighbourhood.

So who will like a foreign worker hostel to be next to their home and where do you live? Anyone can answer that?
2008-09-08 00:34:27 UTC
personally i have nothing against the foreign workers as long as they behave themselves it be fine. i am staying in jurong west area where alot of the workers quarters are nearby. the problem is they usually get rowdy when they drink and throw their empty beer cans everywhere. sometimes it goes really late into the night and after drinking, they will shout and talked loudly and everyone in the estate could hear them. at times even when they are not drinking, they talked loudly on their mobile phone as well, as if they want the whole world to hear what they are saying. i also spotted some of them urinating at the void deck, wherever they like. worst still some will just do it in the wide open where everyone can see. being a lady i find that very offensive. for me i am still the more daring sort, imagine if a young girl would to see that, it be equivalent to be like seeing a flesher isn't it? if they can behave themselves and not cause problem then its fine. the employers should educate them and perhaps implement some measures to keep them discipline.
2008-09-08 00:12:23 UTC
Township (both private and hdb estate) have their own characters and population make up, thus the reason why people has a preference when they pick or buy a place to live in. The price they pay for their preference is in accordance to the that township character plus supply / demand. The current furore over this topic has nothing to do with elitism or what the government and the media is trying to make it sound like. It is about screwing the people who has set up home in township they loved and possibly have lived there all their life or even stretching their dollar to buy their dream home, through changing the character and make up of their township. There are both direct and indirect strong impact to the people who live in these townships, both financially and emotionally, regardless of whether it is private or hdb township.The changes typically are weighed more to the negative side, just look at the situation in Jalan Kayu and some hdb areas/void decks.

We are not talking about people moving into the same residential structure here, the implication of building a dorm housing thousands thus changing the makeup drastically is unlike having foreign workers (yes, foreigners working in Singapore included) renting existing houses/ apartment. Just remember, the basic fundamental of economics will dictate that foreigners who wants to rent will also be looking for the right township and also on their affordability. What is being proposed here is clearly messing around with that.

Our MPs & minister and even some journalists spoke gallantly about opening our hearts, so I would suggest the MPs and Minister lead by example through deploying same dorm for foreign workers next to their residences or township they live in, some suggested township could be Namly, Oxley, Sixth Avenue....

This is not about ill treating or discriminating foreign workers for they are crucial to the development of this country.. but it is really an issue of bad capacity and town planning to cater the Singapore development/ big projects. Wouldnt it have been better if proper zoning has been planned and dorm campus built for foreign workers in preparation for these development? Zone can be carved out from many of the yet-be-developed area and township built around this facilities, and that way, there are no surprises, there is no screwing of people's hard earned investment as everyone is clear about the intent of that township/zone. For eg, no residential development would be built in Pioneer road/Jurong area as everyone is very clear that it is zoned as an industrial area, thus there wont be any surprises. On that same line of thought, why is it possible for a Biopolis to built around the secluded Portsdown area but it is not possible for part of Kranji to be carve out, tendered out to dorm operators to build the facilities?

Lastly, let's not forget that foreign workers working in Singapore is basically a 2 way business arrangement. Sure, what they do contribute to the development of Singapore's infrastructure development but they are not doing this as a noble cause, they are doing it for the monetary arrangement, which in turn flows back to their countries/ families. So in some sense, Singapore is also contributing to their survival and income as they will return home after earning what they can. Therefore, it is important that the Singapore leadership do not push out Singaporean who make Singapore their home.
2008-09-07 23:15:50 UTC
townships? a million times no! foreign workers will remain an indelible part of singapore landscape at least for some time, albeit a transient one. having hostels to house such workers such as proposed in serangoon gardens should be sufficient. we must accept this with the accompanying 'inconveniences'. grow up, singapore. do not throw out social graces the window when we 'grow from 3rd to first world'
2008-09-07 23:03:33 UTC
Wherever such lodging is going to be provided, it's the responsibility of the authorities to ensure that enough facilities are provided for the workers. If there are not enough areas for them to shop and relax and transport services are not improved, then don't blame them for loitering around "your" area or taking up your bus seats.

I understand the protests from the Serangoon Gardens residents, though I do not quite agree with them. They are unabashed to state their own reasons i.e property prices going south, social and security concerns. It betrays their unspoken fear of foreign workers as potential troublemakers and law-breakers who have come to destroy their hitherto peaceful cocoon.

But let's say these 1000 workers are Caucasians in a brand new condominium for expats only or 1000 International School teenagers staying in a boarding school there, would such protests have erupted over the same concerns?

You go read between the lines...
2008-09-07 22:27:08 UTC
It's a very difficult question to answer.

If foreign workers of a certain country are quite mild in manner and they are relatively quiet and considerate, the answer is YES! Why not?

If these foreign workers are from a country or countries that exhibit loud noise and abuses of any kind, then the answer is obviously NO!

Even within the same country - say for EXAMPLE - China, there are foreign workers that are loud, rude and inconsiderate and they urinate when people are not looking or they disregard others by making comments about the government, etc..then these culprits ought to be sent back and not even allowed into Singapore.

But there are Chinese workers who are kind considerate and gentle too. Even Indians or Banglahs have their fair share of crazy ones and good hearted ones..

So we cannot actually say that it is not right to put them in the estate.

Jeffrey T
2008-09-11 00:18:54 UTC
Hey, I'm all for them staying in any estate.... so long as the estate can no longer devaluate itself further than it already is, in their current valuation price, there is no sale of alcohol of any kind within 24km wide radius & no mixing of workers from different origin lest there be riot & drunken fights. The neighbourhood pets are all kept indoors 24/7 for their safety lest the workers cough out furballs, that all the foreign maids in the estate are locked indoors lest their owners lose their security deposits & that houses there have high fences & no see through walls lest you wake up in the middle of the night to see a new friend with your new maid. Other than those issues, I'm totally alright with townships in heartlands or better still in Pulau Ubin.
2008-09-09 18:24:56 UTC

Not being prejudiced, but think of other factors when that happens. Females residents who come back home late, or even children playing nearby are potentially in "danger". Prices of property in that area might be affected too.

Singapore may be small, but there are many other places that can build such hostel for foreign workers! The Government should invest and build a permanent site for such workers if they forsee having such a continuous problem in future, and don let us citizens pick up the shxx!
2008-09-08 17:56:55 UTC
Not a good idea (Social Issue).

Reason, employers are only interested their well being & behaviour at their workplace. Foreigners tend to gather around

at Parks in group, some cases eating & sleeping in group even at Car Parks under tree's shade (these are nothing new to them, their are doing it in their homeland). What about the left overs, food wrappers, empty drink cans. Quite obvious, when they eat at Food Centres, they just left these on the tables and walk off.


Employers made responsible to arrange their (temporary) accomodations & canteens & perhaps some 'wide screen' TVs screening some VCD Movies at their workplace. Monitoring them, will be much easier, rather than rely these issues to the Government to handle them. After all, Employers owed these to the Foreigners' families back home.


Employers, not just cheap labours, U are getting, also take some responsible lah. These people, if U take care of them, they will be more productive and loyal to U. Good reviews will be all over their homeland, thousands of relatives will come over and work for U.
Rojer R
2008-09-08 08:45:44 UTC
I live in Jurong. There are probably a dozen foreign workers' domitories within 1 km from where I stay. These are my observations : the top 10!

1 They dine and consume alcohol on the pavement, at void decks, pastures of grass, car parks, bridges, playgrounds, basket ball courts, etc.

2 No personal hygiene ; they can afford to carry a handphone but rather not spent on deodrant or body spray.

3 Do not obey traffic rules (whether they're on foot or on the bicycle).

4 Stare (especially at members of the opposite sex).

5 Loiter at shopping centres, interchanges, MRT stations, parks, etc

6 Litter/Leave behind their beer bottles, food packages etc. For this reason the park opposite the Jurong Point shopping centre and the bridge leading to the park are infested with rats.

7 Scratching/Adjusting their jenitals in public.

8 Vomiting when drunk/Urinating in the public.

9 Walking around in their houses in their underwear (some of the units in our blocks were rented out to foreign workers and we could see them from the lift landings. Our block residents sent a petition to our MP without any outcome)

10 Horde the ATM machines (Trying to draw cash from any of the ATM machines at the Jurong Point on weekends is a NIGHTMARE
2008-09-08 07:59:51 UTC
Hmmmm! Why "NOT", I think it would be even greater and more entertaining should S'pore build a hostel just beside the Parliament or maybe beside the Istana or maybe at the heart of Orchard Road, haha! Seriously, I think the "Authorities" shouldn't have to turn it into a foreign hostel. It would absolutely tarnish the charm that Serangoon gardens have and that it wouldn't be that attractive and exclusive a place to be seen hanging out or staying anymore. Properties prices will definitely depreciate.
2008-09-08 04:52:16 UTC
Instead of housing foreign workers in Jurong West or Serangoon Gardens, why not Marine Parade, Queenstown , Tiong Bahru or for that matter, District 10 or Orchard Road?

I tell you why, property prices will nosedive, that's why. Be fair, the best solution is to distribute them evenly all over Singapore. This way, everybody will be happy. If we want to enjoy the benefits of their work and toil, then let everyone live with them.

Hopefully, we will become more accomodating and humane and they will learn some Singapore habits, hopefully the good ones!

Remember, 50 years ago, most of the early migrants living here in Singapore under colonial rule weren't much better than them.
2008-09-08 04:09:38 UTC
Image your estate is like Serangoon Road (little India) area on Sunday or Goldern Mile complex on weekend. Crowds are everywhere, litters everywhere,drinking men every corners.

I would suggest the (F.W.T ) Foreign Workers Township in Seletar airbase , Ama Keng area, or nearer town is Pasir Panjang area, a small township contian mini-mart,small ceremas and maybe a cafe
2008-09-07 22:42:36 UTC
A foreign worker township should be self contained with facilities e.g shoplets,cafes or canteen and provided with own fringe transport system.

The conversion of an old school seems right and pertinent to suit these requirements unfortunately it is sited in an private housing estate. A more suitable location could be in Kranji or in an old army barrack outskirt.
2008-09-08 23:44:41 UTC
To have them housed in an area like Serangoon Garden is to build a hostel on prime land. So the cost of housing them there will be higher. Foreign workers will also have to bear part of the higher cost. For them, they would want to save every dollar they can.

It is better for foreign workers to be housed near industrial areas, and easy access to bus and MRT. Some areas would be Jurong, Kranji, Tuas, Woodlands, Changi. Paya Lebar, Aljunied, Kallang.

After all, they are here to work and save money for their families back home in their own country.
2008-09-08 23:03:58 UTC
It is good to have foreign workers in SG. Having foreign workers provide economic growth in our country, private sectors have an advantage since they are able to develop buildings with cheaper labor. They are the main pillar of manpower to many constructions projects like the latest Integrated Resorts, Orchard Central, ION, Schools your homes etc. Being able to work under the scorching sun throughout the day and night for 6 to 12months depending on individual projects. And at the end of the day getting a miserable amount of pay doesn’t determine their effort. Honestly there is only a hand few of Singaporean that is willing to work under these few conditions. We need to put ourselves in their shoe. With little education and living in a country far away from home, the only companion is their fellow worker friends. With little money they could not involve in activities like us Singaporeans do. And they usually involve in drinking, resulting in crime cases. All these could be avoided by educating foreign workers and promoting bond between both religions. Singaporean on the other hand could be reminded to take care of themself when roaming around late at night and avoid dark alleys. Without foreign workers, would you have so many places of interest? Would foreigners come and invest in Singapore? Would you have a place to stay? What if your one of those thousands of workers?
2008-09-08 09:32:17 UTC

the number is too big...1000 or 500 . or will they increase to 2000, 4000 eventually. I dont want a refuge camp outside my home. In the first place , why is there a surge of foreign workers. Is there are need to keep on building n changes to this small country? We need a balance in our progress. I worried about the future of my children, living in a casino-city and full of foreigners. I worried about my parents who may have worries about safety and even walking around in the neighborhood. The roots of the problem is still about pacing the country progress . A good place to live doesn't mean to be always rank #01 on magazines.
2008-09-08 02:36:33 UTC
My answer is yes – not because I’m comfortable with it but because it is worth sacrificing for things which are morally right.

There are several construction sites around my condo. They work long hours and are transported unsafely - anyone ever thought about safety-belts for them like we feel so passionately for our kids?

I see many workers sitting around the roadside at night and on Sunday's talking on their phones. Some gather as a group to listen to radio. Some gather in small groups to enjoy some food and drinks. This is how some of them spend their little bit of spare time. There are litter which I dont like. But this can be solved by providing more trash cans around - I see none in the area. Also, some education will help.

We need imported labor because there are not enough locals willing to do what they do for such low wages. On top of that, many of them have to pay thousands of dollars of fees to their agents to enjoy the privilege of working here. Since these costs are not passed on the employers and hence the buyers of the properties, the workers are in fact subsidizing our costs on their backs!

When we refer to them as "these people" and label them with what a few bad apples have done, we are robbing them of their dignity. If we weren't so fortunate, we could be in their shoes right now. Since we are, we need to use it to make Singapore a better place for everyone, not focus so much on ourselves at the expense of others.

Imagine what would happen if our wish comes true - all the foreign workers stop coming to Singapore. All the existing ones leave next week. Everything that we so “despise” in them are completely removed. What kind of neighborhood will we have? What kind of country will this be?

There is no "we" or "they". We are all in this together.
2008-09-08 02:02:12 UTC
Foreign workers are contributing to Singapore, yes, but please not make it like a noble thing for them to do. It's supply and demand, it's buying and selling!

We pay them to come work in Singapore, where it is of a wholly different culture. And they choose to accept the money, so they can't complain. Even if Singapore has the worst living standards for the foreign workers, but if they choose accept the money, then they must take responsibility for their own choices - to live with the worst living standards! And talking about contributing, aren't Singapore also contributing to their countries and their families? Monetary contributions are CONTRIBUTIONS right?

You don't sacrifice the interests of Singaporeans for the interests of foreigners. Don't tell me the pledge, don't tell me the elite-ism or whatever the name, so what if we really practice elitism here? Haven't anyone realize none of these issues are practical? Basically, i think there are just distractions from the govt to get people to agree with them so they can go and do things to ruin lives of those people in Serangoon. And i think they are doing it to save money and hassle. "Hey, there's abandoned school infrastructure over there, and we kinda have about 1000 people on our hands that need a place to stay, isn't it brilliant. Let's just forget everything and chuck them over there! AT ALL COSTS!"

Ok, now, let me tell you the most practical things.

What's the Singapore citizenship for? And tell me why the hell are we paying the ministers so much salary?

BECAUSE, the interests of Singaporeans are to be the first priority when the govt consider their policies. We can be nice and considerate, and maybe we can sacrifice a little, but we are NOT to compromise our safety and security and tranquility for the sake of accommodating to the foreigners for goodness sake! That's not a LITTLE sacrifice, this is a BIG sacrifce! We come home after doing our part in contributing to Singapore, and what we get is FEAR for the safety of ourselves and our families, and then we can't even REST properly due to all the noise the foreigners are making.

We can't even have a conducive environment to live in!

Hello? Now, does that seem fair in the slightest sense?? It's just like we are paying the foreigners to come and contribute to Singapore and disturb the peace of Singaporeans who are also doing their share in contributing to Singapore!!

I don't care about the welfare and where the foreigners are going to stay in, i don't care about their living standards. It's the govt responsibility. We PAY them to go solve these kinds of problems, WITHOUT COMPROMISING SINGAPOREANS' RIGHTS.

Does the ministers have bird brains or do they think that it's the Singaporeans who are having bird brains?

I don't live in Serangoon, but i pity the residents there. I'm pretty sure most of them don't want that dorm to be built. And they are protesting now, submitting petitions and all. And if Singapore is a truly diplomatic country it will work, cuz that's what diplomacy is all about. But in Singapore... well let's not say anything and just lie on our backs to see how truly diplomatic Singapore is.

Frankly speaking,if i had the chance i'd rather migrate to some other countries and to be treated like a 2nd-class citizen there, rather than to stay in Singapore, pay a whole lot of money to the govt, and to be treated with least priority and can be sacrificed anywhere, anytime for the sake of govt policies.
2008-09-08 01:21:15 UTC
Having lived in little india, i know how it feels to live on top of all the drunken people, their vomits, leftover food and beer bottles on the HDB void deck, walking pathways (virtually everywhere). In short, ya. I lived in a huge 'garbage' park.

People often say they 'understand' the problems. Unfortunately most do not - not unless the problems are theirs.

While the issues of securities can be over-exaggerated by fear, the big hoo-ha from its citizens are real genuine concerns that MPs should look into.

To understand partly the anguish of your citizens, MPs are really encouraged to take a little stroll along between Little India Station and Farrer Park Station, along the Race Course Road, Buffalo and Klang Lane, on a Sunday NIGHT (esp between 8.30 - 10pm). Also, do make sure to take public transport to tell the tale of your experience to the public.

The problem is real and remains to this date – unsolved! (note: addressing and solving are two different matters). I don’t know if any ‘brainy and highly-paid’ is even doing something but even if they are, these are probably the things they themselves are unable to manage so far (or unless they reckon that these are the unique part of Little India)

Lastly, there is nothing wrong with appreciating these foreign workers (in fact, we should and there are many ways to do that!) BUT there is everything to concern about esp to have another ‘Sunday Little India’ in your homeyard (coz you know that once decided, it's gonna be permanent, don't you?). btw, how about smelling the new transport too?
2008-09-08 00:29:21 UTC
I stay in Sembawang. Although there is no dormitory here, there is one called Cochrane(?) opposite the Sembawang Shipyard. Some nights when I visit the Sembawang Koufu Food court, there are without fail numerous foreign workers eating and drinking at the void decks. The food court is there, but they prefer the void decks. I believe if a township is built, they will still wander around the neighbourhood.
2008-09-07 22:20:30 UTC
Big fat NO.. Why ?? Dun get me wrong.. I am against discrimination of any sort.. I deal with such foreign workers in my line of work... The problem is with the majority that does not bring their heart here... They are here to learn a living and that is their sole or main objective.. It is true that they contribute towards the progress of our nation's physical infrastructure.. But, that is their job.. No more... If you have the time... Interview some of them... Some of them can be really nice people.. They are human with families from where they came from... They bring with them cultures or habits that can be deemed unacceptable by us or might cause us discomfort.. But that's how they are.. They do deserve acceptable living spaces but not among the local residents. Our local residents deserve the peace of mind they desire when they return home after a hectic day.. They shouldn't be made to lose the sense of security that they get within their homes or community.. Therefore ,I suggest building foreign worker dormitories in every industrial estate complete with facilities to cater to their daily needs..
Nora C
2008-09-09 23:33:40 UTC
Have a heart, everyone needs a home be they students or workers from anywhere.

How would we feel about not having the most important basic need, a home, permanent or temporary, not met?

If the majority of the S'goon gdns residents feel that they oppose the idea of having foreign workers occupy the vacant school in their area, for whatever reasons, safety, security, environment concerns, they should vote and their vote should be heard and acted on. Justifiable of course.
Pwincessa gems
2008-09-08 21:17:14 UTC
its funny how some singaporeans mindset are....we detest foreign workers staying in our neighbourhood area but these are the people who actually contribute to the building and construction of our homes with meagre wages, yet, we give huge support to those foreign China women of the table tennis team....Please don't tell me its a different situation..cos its not. The only difference is the skin colour.

I however do agree if these foreign workers are provided with proper housing, but preferable in the industrial estates instead. But we can implement bus services during the weekend or holidays that operates from the designated industrial areas to serangoon or whichever is the most convenient for these foreign workers. eg Serangoon tekka

We must remember, they are still human after all. Think...if our own children is far away from us, in another foreign country, working hard day n night just, earning do we wish for people to treat our children??
no nonsense
2008-09-08 06:46:01 UTC
I would fear for the safety of the kids/maids in the neighbourhood. I must also be prepared for 'little India weekend crowd' gathering in the neighbourhood playground or park. Well, I would say that if the rich and famous,including the Singapore ministers, would not mind these workers moving into Districts 9,10 and 11 and be their neighbours, then I wouldn't mind either!! There are lots of vacant parcels of land in Old Holland Road, Botanic Gardens, Holland and Bukit Timah areas. If the leaders lead by example, who are we, mere mortals, to grumble!
2008-09-08 01:43:40 UTC
If you are able to live in Little India area, you will be able to live comfortably with large number of foreign workers in your estate.

Sad to say, most Singaporeans are not comfortable with that happening near their homes. If you don't understand what I am talking about, go to little india one of these weekends after 7pm.

Most Singaporeans will not be acceptable to such an idea, as they will be concerned with safety, as well as whether such a large number of foreign workers will eventually affect the demand for their property.

I think areas where this could be possible will be areas like tuas, pasir ris farm ways, admiralty areas where Singaporeans will not be bothered by large numbers of foreigners loitering near their homes.
2008-09-08 01:20:41 UTC
I live opposite the Golden Mile Complex ("Little Thailand"). The weekend and public holidays corridor and walkway are pile with leftover of Thai food which cause growth of rodents and roaches. When these thai workers are drunk, they will sleep along the path. The places around Blk 1, 2, 3 of Beach Road are usually filled with urine smell. Some Thai workers will actually take lift to higher storeys to urinate, I have caught them a few times doing them and when I shouted at them, they just ran away.

When Govt have encouraged us to welcome them, what about the living conditions of these foreign workers have created for us. If any ministers from the Parliament are willing to live in my area Beach Road for at least a month, they will understand us, the Singaporean (brought us in this piece of land, our forefathers who contributed to the success of the growth of Singapore) have gone through.

Called up NEA and the police to tackle the selling of cooked food at the Thai provision shops that are sprung up all over the beach road housing estates and these shops are selling hard liquor and beers (not sure if they have valid license). None of the our home authorities took any actions. Losing faith in our government.
2008-09-08 22:50:45 UTC
Our forefathers are immigrants. Their clan took care of them. Why do we need foreign workers in the first place? It's all about us.

Yes we should house them, we are all human beings.

Perhaps the solution is to provision a space or area within the development site as in the case of construction sites and change the planning act to allow for housing quarters within the factory lot. We do recognise that foreign workers will be here for a long term. We are well known for our forward planning, so let's do it.
Da Zhiwei
2008-09-08 22:18:09 UTC
I am able to accept the concept of a foreign worker township anywhere but....., are there rules and conditions for the foreign workers in this town?

my concerns would be they gather in big groups, hang around anywhere, most appears to be somewhat dirty/smelly...(regarding this, when i take the train, everytime foreign workers board the train(they don't come in one or two), i could smell them from the other end of the cabin), not able to communicate with the residents, different frequency on the living lifestyle, have quite a big gap in comparison to comfort zone of the residents..................and of course safety(majority are kind at heart but there is just something uncomfortable about the way the look at you. Eg. In my work place, they would look more and for a longer duration if a female walk pass. Sometimes even if it's a male!!!

So unless they run around the neighbourhood in small groups of say < 5, gather for leisure in appropriate places and number of ppl, takes care of their hygiene and does not take up one lane of the road for strolling like outside Mustafa, doesn't sound like shouting when they talk.....someone will have to look after them and limit their movements to within the "technical school" like an army camp.

Imagine hundreds of ppl in your neighbourhood looking like they have just gone to an outdoor foam party/the best outdoor rock concert.

Imagine u wake up in the morning to go to work/school, back from work/school or wake up on the weekends wanting to have a relaxing stroll or a coffee at the nearest coffeeshop or shopping center in your neighburhood.

Now put the two together and imagine everyday waking up to the same situation.

If it's only a small pocket of them distributed in the neighbourhood, i could still accept them not matter how dirty/smelly, different, wield,....

We are talking abt 1000 and it's increasing.

PS: Certain things said doesn't just apply to foreign workers.

: It might sound like i am refering to a particular race because i

mentioned Mustafa but it's only an eg. I am not racist. My view

about Foreign Worker Township includes workers from all over the

2008-09-08 18:58:11 UTC
it is okay as long as it is less than 10.if more than 1000 it will be very difficult for the resident of that location because thru experience i have seen foreign workers drinking and than leaving their leftovers on the pavement.because of the huge number of foreign workers living in townships we will not feel safe sending our children out,the most suitable will be where there is less housing estate.
2008-09-08 07:11:28 UTC
If not in Serangoon Gardens, then where? I don't know whether people realise that foreign workers already exist in Singapore. Maybe the same foreign workers built some of the houses in Serangoon Gardens. I believe some of the foreigner workers are housed in Jurong, Bukit Batok, etc, now. Does it mean people in Jurong have less of a right to a safe environment?
2008-09-08 00:59:34 UTC
More than 10 years with these foreigners coming to my estate and littering all over everyday; I never see if any police or any officers put these jokers for CWO or fines. So years after years they gather every weekend and do whatever they like, behave like hooligans at times and fighting, I regret moving to where I'm staying.

I suggest that these foreigners be given a lesson of being Singaporean way of life before coming in and keep their bad habits back home.
Pebl Jr
2008-09-07 23:55:02 UTC
i think the main concern is that if these quarters are built for the foreign workers in the local neighborhood area, the existing residents will not feel safe enough or secure. i would become concern too if i am one of the residents in Serangoon Gardens. Especially ones who are of retiring age.

why? bcos personally most of the women had experienced unpleasant sexual harassments in some ways from the foreign workers b4, mainly native indians and bangladeshi workers- in public transportations especially.i write this being witnessed one such harassment myself happening to my sister who was sitting in front of me.

everybody needs a comfortable home wherever they are, for sure. i agree that they should be given comfortable place for rest and leisure while they are living here. but this must also be considered for the residents who had already been living in the area. Everybody wants to feel secure in their own home- so i hope the government would really make a wise decision.

moreover, we are talking about 1,000 foreign workers- ALL MALES. i think its best to built such quarters with the other existing quarters for the male foreign workers to avoid uncomfortable cohabiting in the neighborhood and to avoid upraising cases of harrasments.
Valerie B
2008-09-09 09:24:39 UTC
not all foreign workers are trouble maker,they're like you and I trying to make a living,The law in Singapore are really strict, I'm sure they know the consequences if they break it.Let be hospitable and let them stay in the township and if anythings go wrong take it up with ever approve of this arrangement. After all I think we (Singaporean) do need them to build -or work in our home,road,factory.hotel clubs etc.etc.Be kind and nice the world will be a better place.God bless.
2008-09-09 23:52:24 UTC
i think that it is still a debatable issue.while the fact remains that letting them remain in my 'backyard' is unbearable,those foreign workers are quite pitiful as they have come to do the jobs we do not want which i find hard to believe with many jobless Singaporeans and the fact people would rather hire cheaper labour from foreigners and maybe the fact that those foreigners may work harder than Singaporeans.i have also seen foreign workers with university degrees but not able to get a job in their homeland.however,why should we be the one to house and take them in,true they are pitiful,however if we continue accepting them,we would have too many foreigners which destroys Singapore and the fact that the foreigners do not have the same mentality of Singaporeans such as littering everywhere.many residents complain due to the fact of felling insecure with foreigners as they are not from our country and what they could it depends on which we should feel more important.
2008-09-08 08:51:54 UTC
Singaporeans have bad opinions on foreign workers as they are exposed only to the bad things that they do through the internet, newspaper, etc. This means that it only takes a few black sheep to give a definite impression of the foreign workers. We see that only a few of these foreign workers end up committing such acts while the majority work honestly and diligently.
2008-09-08 08:07:16 UTC
Foreign workers are humans. They can be educated on how to behave in public and be civic minded and to take care of their environment. Some talk about foreign workers spending their time drinking in void decks. Where should they go for recreation? They don't spend their time and hard earned money in shopping malls and cinemas. So the only thing they know is to gather together and drink. Maybe they could be provided some sports facilities in their living quarters for recreation eg soccer, sepak takraw, table tennis, badminton to keep them occupied and also a form of exercise. Maybe then they can graduate to become foreign talent. They could even be sent for classes to upgrade eg learn English.

Foreign workers littering? Do you know that Singaporeans are great litterers as well? Even undergraduates? Just went to one of the hostels in one university here and saw cans of drinks left behind on a picnic bench near a badminton court. And the dustbin just five steps away Were they left by foreign workers? Undergraduates are educated people? Are they better behaved? They will be earning high salaries. So they behave better? How about the beach on a Sunday? The amount of litter left behind by Singaporean picnickers - unimaginable!

Who keeps Singapore clean? Who cleans up our mess? Foreign workers!
2008-09-08 03:16:05 UTC
Definitely a no! Horrible creatures, drinks, fights, spits, sleeps, litters, prostitutes, squatting, illegals gatherings, noises, Thai songs blastings, loud karaokes, etc etc. The growth of Singapore at the expense of Beach Road residences. MP Denise Phua (as snob as possible) never on Sunday visit to the rowdy area. Sad day for Beach Road everyday. Can these Thai goes back or to some rich snobs areas like Tanglin, Sixth Ave, Katong or Oxley...

Never on Sunday!!!!!
2008-09-08 00:16:35 UTC
My neighbour is from Myanmar. My precinct is full of China people. No problem at all. Tiny pockets here and there is OK. But having 1000 foreign workers in a tiny estate is a different matter. I don't blame the Serangoon Garden people. It would spoil the estate's ambience. I used to live there so I know. Where to house them? Sentosa lor...
2008-09-07 23:11:22 UTC
How i feel. I feel sad. To think that the people objecting against the government's proposal are the people whose forefathers were probably in the same shoes as these foreign workers now are. It is ironic that Singapore, which prides itself for its multiethnicity, has among its children people who throw here and there implicit and explicit racial slurs and stereotyping. Would I accept them in our estate? Yes, especially if the government vouches for their acceptable behaviour. I believe in this government and I know it will be as pragmatic so as to make sure these foreign workers are made aware of the do's and dont's. Why do I feel for these foreign workers? One because I am once a foreigner too. Second: I am not bigoted, I am not racist, I am not cruel, I am not inhumane, I don't think of myself superior over other people. I acknowledge the significant conritbution of these foreign workers to the construction industry in particular and the entire Singapore economy in general. I know that they will not be staying in the estate forever (especially now that they have been made to feel unwelcome, unwanted and presumed as nuisance), they are here just because the country needs them to do the work that locals do not like to do. I respect other people's views anyway, but I feel sick. Uniquely Singapore. I want to cry...
2008-09-07 22:21:38 UTC
Preface: I was reading through some of the replies & I noted that for those that are not in favour of foreign workers residing in housing estates were given a "thumbs down". I thought this is voicing out personal opinions.

Anyway, whether or not to house them in housing estates depend largely on Govt mandate. We can protest or agree all we want, still Govt will make the final call.

I agree with the cultural differences that conflicted with ours. Though, it is a fair statement in indicating that we do have "elite-ism" within our society, but for those that practice such culture, maybe one should reflect on "are we gracious"?

1stly, I think that housing them near to their work-place will be a much better idea; be it near housing estates or not. This will save transportation costs and time.

2ndly, regardless of our nationality, if we are to work overseas, we have to learn the culture & adopt it. I suggest that the employers should spend some time in conducting Induction Programme to these foreign workers on the "Dos & Don'ts", so as to minimise the possible cultural conflicts. An example, there are a number of PRC students staying opposite me, there were a few nights in which one of them will make a call at past midnight. I was in my room with my room-door closed, guess what? I could hear his conversation in his thick accent very clearly; he was typically shouting into the phone at the wee hours. However, none of my other neighbours came out & told him off cos' S'poreans are typically 'patience'.

3rdly, as much as I tried to condone their behaviour, they must be made known that staring at people, especially females (of all age, race & built) is really very rude. When a few of them got together, thay can really be very rowdy; Bangras will get drunk very easily & start to make a din, PRC spat & smoke everywhere, even when it is a non-designated smoking area - both are very loud speakers, they shout rather than talk.

4thly, I am very concerned with security. If they are housed too close to housing estate, I am very worried for the old folks and the females. Furthermore, I doubt that our SPF has sufficient numbers to maintain a 24/7 suvelliance in our neighbourhood.

I urge that the Govt do think twice, especially on the safety aspect. When the Govt makes a decision, it is the Nation that suffers from it.
2008-09-10 16:14:04 UTC
My brother , when he first shifted to Woodlands, was staying next to a block of flats housing mainly Thai-workers. You know it was very scary walking without a male companion along those parts at night or in the early mornings. I actually saw several used, tied up condoms at the foot of the block on many occasions. Not to mention the drunkenness of the workers in the evenings, especially on weekends and the fights and uncouth behavior of the workers exhibited quite rampantly. I know it's wrong to stereotype people based on their race or nationality, but the blatant fact is still there. They, the foreign workers, come from various diverse backgrounds and readily accepting them to be part of us is not going to be easy. I can be comfortable with any S'porean, of any race or language or religion but when it comes to a block or estate of foreign workers, I'll think thrice before purchasing a flat there. I've got daughters and aged parents to think about and their safety is important to me. Perhaps I need more time ...or perhaps I need to be educated to change my 'attitude' towards this issue.
2008-09-08 18:30:40 UTC
I think we are asking the wrong questions. Many ppl would not mind foreign workers to stay in their estates if they do not impose their way of living in spore. When you house a big group of them, instead of assimilating into the living conditions here, they impose their way of life here. I live in jurong, and every weekend I see loads of rubbish left strewn at boon lay mrt. The police and town councils and NEA says its their culture, but why does residents have to live with this? We are fined if we just throw a small cigarette butt or tissue paper, but authorities turn a blind eye to blatant littering by foreign workers because they have different culture

The authorities and the employers must do something to change their lifestyle or habits. Sporeans usually are tolerant ppl, they can accept your different lifestyle behind closed doors so long as you do not impose it in public eye. The fact is authorities and their employers should relentlessly educate their workers, till at least in public they can live according to our laws.

Currently NO ONE, not the authorities, MND, police, NEA, or the worker's employers are taking ownership of this and its not high on their priority to do list, over all these years, area outside Boon Lay MRT is still strewn with litter on monday morning. They just give excuses that, oh they have a different culture pls accept it
2008-09-08 09:42:36 UTC
No I will not accept that. Pls consider these issues:

1) U will be very worried about your teenage daughter coming home every day even as early as 6pm.

2) Get ready for a noisy weekend. Your void deck will be filled up.

3) Get ready for lots of litter Sunday night.

4) Might need to tell Grand Ma not to wear any more jewelry. u dun want that risk.

5) I might consider installing a security alarm if u travel often. Base on the rates of crimes on foreign worker in SG, Its better to have..

6) My friends might not come anymore for Pot Luck Sunday. Cause void deck is intimidating. Which lady friends wants to walk across a bunch of foreign man at void deck? none...

7) Market value of my house may drop. Do u think really think ppl will pay the same value as other estate. Get real people.. very soon your neighbor will be underselling their home when they cant take it anymore. At least I know there are already 500 signature. So ppl get ready for a plunge.

8) For those with younger children u might need to think abt them at play ground unattended. Dun kid yourself thinking "I dun worry cause they also human and has contribute significantly to Singapore economy".. Those people who tell u that does not understand the situation cause they dun live where u live.

9) Keep a lookout for your maid. Never say never cause my friend's maid got pregnant before. It will be worst cause now is "Lao Ka" - downstairs

10) Keep a lookout for your son if he is playing at the basket ball court. I have seen foreign worker chasing them off cause their ball hit them repeatedly at void deck. Police came mins later.

All these is base on my personal experience staying with my friends place at seletar and she has 2 block of foreign worker nearby. They move eventually cause daughter got lots of attention with them, there were wolf whistle whenever she came home from school. Every sunday is noise day. They have to close all windows. After tolerating for 7 years they undersell and move out.

I can understand the 500 signatures. make it 501 - 1 more vote from me
Jurong Res.
2008-09-08 00:49:14 UTC
No, as it is already in my estate in Jurong, they drink beer, leave the bottles laying around on the void deck and road side, piss all over the place, staircase landings, shrubs, and you never know what will happen if the woman folks in your family come home late without you waiting for them downstairs. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against these workers, and not all of them are bad, but the problems I've seen, specially with one said place where they stay at, in Taman Jurong, fights, etc.. all happening, and the worse thing is, when they rent a flat in the same block as you, they will "eye" your place, and you wonder if anything is going to happen to your home, when you leave for work. Why have the additional stress for? Suggest you come on down to Taman Jurong and see for yourself, what is happening with your own eyes. Worse off as well, they drive trucks like no tomorrow after 6pm along International road. Seeing is believing.
2008-09-07 22:56:30 UTC
Im staying near there

Serangoon Garden is one of my Fav hangouts...

Not to mention most of my dinner's source are form there..

anyway..if its going to infest with Bangladesh..then....

just visit the place less at night cos it spells DANGER..

Seriously im not being Racist or something

just that the theory of "one bad apple spoils the whole pie" ..

i have seem most of the time foreign worker making alot of noise, spit anywhere, stink up HDB void Deck, disturbing the maids/chinese girls, fights, drink drunk troubles...

Hence i thought the current situation near our Estates is bad enough... imagine with additional 1000 workers near the estates...the resident dont bother to sleep already.

Plus Serangoon Garden Neighbourhood Police post is not a 24hr police post... how i car damage by some drunkards at serangoon garden outside 7-11 one night last year....

and it takes 30min for policemen to arrive at the scene...Can you imagine if 1000 workers start fighting and create great disturbance?? Police are there LATE..

Hence NO NO for More foreigner...

the amount of foreign construction workers are high enough..

we have already reach the limit of tolerance. Our heart is already open wide enough...

its is not the issue of "No my Backyard" any more..

it is the level of foreiger should keep at a sustain level.
2008-09-08 18:55:46 UTC
Frankly, i am unable to accept to have foreign worker to stay near my house.

I have no bias toward them.

I happen to live somewhere whereby many foreign workers ard. They drank, shout in the middle of the nite and kick and bang the letter box. Hanging ard in big groups. V often, we can see these foreign workers bring beers to have gathering in park especially at nite. V unsafe for ladies or couples to go park. They will also lotter ard the lift at nite. Those ladies who r going hm nite will need to be extra careful. The perception to beware of these foreign wokers comes from the newpaper reporting molest or robbery.

There are hostel for these foreign workers in induatial area. We can see broken beer bottles on the floor ever morning when we go to work.

I have no idea where is the best place for these foreign worker to live unless they are able to change their bad habbit. If not, no matter where they go, they will have problem being accept by us.
2008-09-08 09:57:05 UTC
A foreign workers dormitory near your condo doesn’t mean it’s that’s the end of your so called posh lifestyle. Come on, some of you guys sounds like white Americans in last century. Most of these people come here to work in areas we Singaporeans refuse to even consider, make miserable wages and yet we don't believe that they deserve decent housing and decent recreation? Anybody think only foreign workers pee in lifts or through litter everywhere?? Nope. Only foreign workers Rob?? Nope. Some of Singaporeans also do so. Are we really such a narrow minded society that we can't even share an estate with these foreigners? Please guys get rid of your ego and be open minded. I would be able to accept as their contribution is instrumental to our nation building.
2008-09-07 23:03:08 UTC
I am beginning to seriously question if those "planners" (if they really are qualified planners to begin with) have even seen what the HDB blocks of flats in the Little India are looking like these days, and let's not forget the weekends. Amnesia, perhaps?

If they still think it's alright to go ahead with the Burghley Drive plan, then they may even want to consider their next planning in the Dempsey area, Novena, Cairnhill, Holland Village or even along the Grange Road area. Fair and square, I'd say.
2008-09-09 01:15:55 UTC
I think that most of the foereign workers who come to Singapore are generally here not to purposely make trouble, but to make an honest living for themselves and their families. So I wouldn't mind these people living around the neighbourhood. But 1000 men squeezed into an old school compound seems crowded and where can these men spend their free time? Will there be adequate space and recreation for them? Basic needs I mean, I know they are not on a holiday, but these men surely will be here for at least a few months if not years.

The problem lies with a few bad hats who perhaps with little consideration for the local customs of courtesy and manners, make a niusance of themselves especially in big male groups (staring/ cat calling at girls)and more so when alcohol is consumed.

Perhaps what can be done if there is a necessity for them to be housed in local neighbourhoods is to get employers responsible for instructing and educating them of the local customs and acceptable behaviors so they are aware of what should and should not be done in public.

It would also be good to allow these people healthy outlets to spend their time like give them at least a little space for sports within their dorm facilities (badminton court, etc.) or a courtyard where they can relax, watch tv and chat etc.

I always try to think of putting myself in their shoes, how would you like to be treated in a foreign country? I wouldn't want to be treated like a criminal to be locked and hidden away. At the same time, trouble makers should be penalised or sent home to keep everyone safe.
2008-09-11 02:17:15 UTC
What kind of foreign workers are you referring to? Those having tendency to commit crimes? Then my answer is obvious. House them in Lim Chu Kang, Tuas or Toh Guan East or any industrial estates. Never house them near HDB estates, landed residential properties or commercial centres. You can ask 10000 people, all will give the same reply!!!
2008-09-08 23:57:04 UTC
I would say no near residential areas. i stay near Kaki bukit workers quarters and i should say that they really create a mess in the void deck. they throw empty beer bottles and cans all around. some times they even fight to the extent that we cant sleep peacefully. I have called the police couple of times to look into the situation and when the police arrive they will run. I cant go out alone in late nights as these people drink a lot and stare at females. its totally unsafe even for a man as they fight throwing bottles and may be dangerous as you wont know what they are upto.
2008-09-08 09:34:02 UTC
I feel that all the foreign workers should be living together in a cluster rather than together in the estates with us, but not in heartlands.

There are many cases of foreign workers staying in the neighbourhood, be it HDB estate or private estate. I am not sure about how and why they are staying there, maybe the houses are rented by their employers. In most cases, there are quite a number of workers staying together in the house. For example, 4-6 workers per house.

Although most of them may mean no harm, but people cannot help it but feel unsafe. For example, some of the workers like to gather around void deck late at night, doesn't it feel unsafe for you and your family members late at night?

Take a recent news for example, if i did not remember wrong, there were about 4 foreign workers living together in a flat, and due to some reasons, a fight broke out between two of them and one ended up dead. What if they were involved in a fight with us and we got injured or even killed?

I am very sure foreign workers meant no harm when they come to Singapore. But there are many factors involved that may change that mindset. I guess the main reason for them to work here is for the money. What if their employers were bullying them? What if they are not earning enough money? What if they were desperate for more money? What if they will desperate for sex? For those people who have experienced working overseas for a long period of time may understand how it feel to be away from home for a long period of time. It is never easy. And small little factors add up and may eventually lead to a crime being committed.

Personally, i am staying in a private estate and there a few groups of workers with different nationality living around my neighbour. Fortunately, they have not cause any big problems as yet, only a few small problems such as talking loudly late at night, cycling at fast speed recklessly, and such. But the main problem is our safety. Most of them like to gather at night after a hard day of work, chatting loudly, and sometimes even involve drinking of alcoholic drinks. It makes it very unsafe for us when we are going home late. I guess most of us feel uncomfortable working past a group of foreign workers who are drinking late at night, and sometimes looking at you, especially females.

I feel that the most important problem lies with security and our safety. How much can we trust them not to cross the line? I agree with having an area specially for them. But, it must definitely not be in our heartlands. Furthermore, security must be high for such places cause they may end up fighting or even plan to commit crimes. They are only allowed to stay within the estate unless they bring their families over or start a family in Singapore.

Yes, i agree that they helps the economy of our country, but this does not meant that we can ignore the threats that they may bring along.
2008-09-08 05:03:23 UTC
I do not agree with some views here saying that one bad apple is enough to cause disturbance. Does it means if one Singaporean is bad, you don't let them live next door to you? That is just double standards.

I have and will allow them in my neighborhood. I live in Bukit Batok where there is a big hostel just down the road from where we live. Initially our feeling is of nuisance but we thought that they have every right, just as we do. Now, we see them around all the time. They do not cause disturbances, nor are they a nuisance. The few times that there are any disturbances in our neighborhood are caused by other fellow Singaporeans!

I think, we really need to open up our minds and hearts to these unsung contributors to our economy. If we do not take care of them, we are no better than those who support slavery. We want them to help us build our city and yet we are not willing to share our neighborhoods? What have we become? Try to put yourself in their shoes. Would you work for a boss who gives you minimum wage, ask you to work long hours and with no recognition?

My only gripe is that there is no government agencies that took these people under their wing, to orientate them to their new surroundings, to teach them our laws, to show them our cultures, to point the way should they need help. Imagine, being away from your family, working long hours in a city that does not want you and then feeling lost all at the same time.

Where is the humanity in that?
2008-09-08 03:31:57 UTC
Foreign workers, in particular the China & India workers have proved to be public nuisances. They showed little respect for the cleanliness and civic mindedness that Singapore promotes and also contributes to the increase in crime rates, compromising the security of Singapore that we immensely value. Until they can help to maintain the security and order of Singapore, we do not want them anywhere.
2008-09-08 00:33:18 UTC
Being uncomfortable with having foreign workers in our backyard is a valid and justified argument. This does not have any roots in xenophobia or an elitist thinking. When one has been the victim of eve-teasing by these workers and their safety has been compromised when their maids keep relations with the mentioned workers, it is only natural to feel uncomfortable with an ENTIRE DORMITORY in one's backyard. Its not about how mature Singapore is as a society or how much we follow our pledge.

Its rather easy to take the moral high ground and insist that we all become more tolerant but until one has experienced the problems that come with this...their opinion becomes quite pointless.
2008-09-07 23:44:54 UTC
I feel like "townships" is the wrong answer. Segregation is never the solution. All communities in singapore should be mixed. Otherwise

its just a matter of time before other segregations and "townships" occur.
2008-09-11 06:35:20 UTC
I think there's no need to build a township for them especially Indians,Sri Lankas, Bangladeshi, they're just temporary workers, I'd prefer them live in the dormitory. And for those Big Shot FW (foreign worker) eg. managers, executives, professionals, they're just helping us out to build a better business in our country, actually we are helping each other in a good-business way or a win-win way. People use to say "if we don't have them, we are dead, if we have them we are also dead" so just accept the way it is, and think positive. It's the same goes to like "if you dont have a GF, you're dead, if you have a GF also you're dead" cheerup, Cheeers!
socka n
2008-09-09 00:39:09 UTC
The foreign worker township should be within the Parliament compound
2008-09-08 19:30:24 UTC
At the present situation, my answer is no. I sincerely believe not enough is done at present to integrate them seamlessly into our society. Answer me this anyone. Would any MP mind having a workers' quarters within 100 meters from his abode? Can we house them within the outskirts of the CBD? Try driving at Mustaffa Centre and tell me you are not annoyed by the human traffic? Let's not be hypocrites by blaming it on the attitudes of Singaporeans but find a genuine solution to the problem. Can you really compare an expatriate to a worker when you want to compare our tolerance level? Sheesh....
2008-09-08 18:21:08 UTC
I most DEFINITELY object .

I have nothing against them .. but the fact is they have been posing alot of social/safety problems to the neighbourhood .

I live in Hougang and this place has never been so dirty ,, except now when more and more chinese workers are living here .. I have witnessed personally many of them throwing rubbish on the floor and even spitting opening .

Moreover , they ride their bicycles on the pedestrian path and once nearly banged into my elderly parents and I , yet still so aggressive ..

I will certainly object -- unless the government can train them and inculcate in them rules and basic hygiene's , i will certain NOT want them near where i live !
2008-09-08 10:39:38 UTC
Why not? Not only the foreign is a nuisance. Infect some of our local youth is much more nuisance than them. Like us they need proper home.

Most men welcome the foreign scantily dress women trading their flesh at Geylang area but despise those who had made Singapore what we proud off today.

We are proud of our country and how rapidly it progress, but we are not appreciate the person that plays an important role in our progression. Without the foreign worker, where would we be now? Expect the local youth to take their load?? Not in a million years I guess..
Kenneth C
2008-09-08 01:18:37 UTC
House them in HDB blocks at the following areas:

(a) Little India

(b) Chinatown

(c) Beach Road

These foreign workers are already congregating at these places. It is not going to create more complaints by letting them stay there.

They will obviously mess up the premises. Make them pay for upkeep of the buildings.
2008-09-09 10:13:01 UTC you guys ever wonder who in the hell think of such proposal/ideas...

chances are they are the same guys,that would not want these township in their own estate...what is baffling,is that how dare they propose such an idea...we work hard,toil...just to get our own dream home...& to have them come up with such idea that will bring down the value of our only prized asset that the common local have...pls remember s'pore is a very small country,value of space/land/property is very high...with the right amenities/value-added components,one can get an appreciation in the value of their property...once you retired,if you wish to down may have yourself quite a healthy nest egg,to carry you on,till you kick the bucket,without burdening your children...

as far as i am concern..all these folks (that think of such "RADICAL" ideas & those who welcome the foreign workers with open arms..)..should be gather up all together with MPs that think this idea might work...create a new estate with all the amenities...& let them stay BIG happy family!!...we are ever expanding,reclaiming land here & there...what the hell,why not built up a artificial island...let them be the test subjects for a change...haahaa..

I have a feeling the locals are being used as test subjects/lab test how far they can bend us...(1st its the explosive numbers of foreign talents/new this..)...if the idea fail,back to the old drawing board...if it's a success,they take the credits...we have to carry the burden...

why have they not mention,having these township in district 9,10..bukit timah area,prime location...slowly singapore is being govern by the power of money & those who have them in abundance...slowly the ordinary folks are being push back,cornered...i pray,hopefully not to the point where if you are not with us,you are against think the sacrifices that i have made & willing to make for my country..i see now the country is slowly turning its back on me...
2008-09-08 04:34:25 UTC
well this is a good thing that has been brought out. well i agree that we need these foreign workers around but on the other hand they can get pretty out of hand. take a look for yourself at Rowell Road on weekends esp sunday by midnight the place reeks of urine and vomit as well as trash.

Foreign workers should not be housed in housing board areas and if the govermnent insist on doing it i think they should lead by example by having dorms near their foot steps or why not in district 10 areas.

dont throw the dirty laundary to hdb residence for we have to bear the rubbish while you can sing the praises of these foreign workers.
2008-09-07 22:00:54 UTC
Converting a school into dormitory is a good move to put vacant building into use, but if its in heartland then there is a bit of concern.If they loiter around nearby place late at night and even drinks then...

If only a small percent do so it can still be alarming if total is 1000.

I recall in Jurong there is a dormitory which is very organised.The place is fenced up with Security guard,a shop ,clinic etc. Workers have to clock in/out and they are not allowed to go out late at night unless there is permnission from company...we need not isolate them but I think certain measures in place will give assurance to nearby residents. Over time, they will be accepted..
concerned mother
2008-09-08 10:50:07 UTC
I have seen foreign workers stare luridly at young girls and women passing by...even schoolgirls...

I have also seen foreign construction workers lying on the street sleeping or drinking alcohol and not looking very sober.

I am very concerned about safety, so no, definitely not, foreign workers should be housed in a separate area.
2008-09-08 00:54:33 UTC
1. Would you be able to accept foreign worker townships in your heartlands?

No, because :

1.1 Are they screened for criminal and mental record before they arrived? Murderer, rapist, mental compulsive illess, political and underworld activist or notorious gangs related, etc. Unlike professional or higher eduction working for MNC.

1.2 The origin source of record of worker identity is doubtful and may be tampered for re-entry;

1.3 With thousand of workers, there exist gangs among the workers for protectionism due to different languages, town, village, religion or believe, caste, source of control of their home-town/village/countries as well as local opportunitist.

1.4 The dormitry will be abuse for other illegal activity in heartland. Easily make use or exploited by money to illegal errant work such brothel, gaming sites, unnatural activity. Had been reported GET REAL TV shows;

1.5 Social problem with other foreigners especially the maids, that why as reported the foreign low skill worker will hang around or work around at heartland seeking by staring at other foreign oppoosite sex for respond of intent to make friend winking or body language especially maids or would be foreign lover which causes mistrust of maid talking to foreign worker instead of looking after the house or immediate care or neighbours of foreigner working here staying in heartland.

2. Which parts of Singapore do you think will be suitable to build such townships?

2.1 St John Island. Good for bum boat or sea transport, improve tourist activities interest in off-shore Sun, Sea and Sand Resort and innovate local entreprural in water activities and beack resorts around the islands;

2.2 Within building or construction sites, back to basic. Whoever win the building contract or project to house within the sites by providing long houses (container out-dated) with proper sanitary and drainage system which can be build within a few weeks like the grand stages for thousand for the Formula 1 event.

2.3 Jurong Industrial town and estate off Jurong/Tuas.
2008-09-08 00:15:54 UTC
altought i dont stay near that area, i dont think resident will want that to happen, foreign worker come to singapore @ diff. culture background, we cant force them or can change them to fix into singaporean culture, them just come here and go off in a few year, they would not bother too. why not create a place for them to live in. maybe tuas, changi or kranji etc. that will be more wiser place.

of coz, re-using the building is good, but not for this usage, if the ex-school is located at six ave, do you think they will ask them to move there? i dont know... maybe can kick the ball rolling at there 1st, and no one will disagree at serangoon gdn.
2008-09-08 00:05:09 UTC
No , I can't accept . As a woman I don't feel safe .

I have to think twice before leave the house when they are around . The way they stop working and stare , makes me uncomfortable .

It doesn't matter to me whether he is a Caucasian or an Asian Foreign Worker , person with this behaviour just makes me feel unsafe .

They should be staying somewhere near they work .
2008-09-07 23:31:28 UTC
Govt n contractor should planned before a influx of workers logging n shopping. Not at residental place to house them in a unused school. ERA or agency should have planned it at a open spacing that govt land that state for future use. to house there. Easy to manage if there a crime take place. ""terror also comes from simple people"" .

Voted down to use Serangoon garden as a workers quarters there.
2008-09-07 22:35:28 UTC
About 50 years ago when we were still only a colony, our forefathers who came from India ,China and other asian countries were discriminated upon by our former colonial masters , The British.Fast forward to 2008, we are discriminating against these poor foreign workers who are actually doing jobs that most Singaporeans would not touch with a 10 foot pole. It is a most shameful event that really tell that for all the material wealth that we have accumulated in our short transient life, we have not evolved spiritually as a person. In our push for wealth , we have lost our soul.
2008-09-09 01:05:37 UTC
No way will accept them to stay at Serangoon Garden estate. Serangoon Garden is much a peaceful n quiet place for diff places of peoples to come dine in . If they come in to stay.. its look crowded n messy. They are very noisy too n like crowded round together to drink. Gov should put them away from housing estate like Tuas, Kranji which near Ind'l Park.
2008-09-08 03:32:34 UTC
I will accept them into my estate if the government really wants to let them into my estate. There shouldn't be any "unique" places for them. Keep this in mind that they contributed a lot to Singapore...our houses are built by them. We have to consider their feelings, imagine we are working overseas and not accepted by the community. A standard living areas is catered for us...we wouldn't like it either. So whats make the rest of us so special....just because we are more educated, earning and having more money?? Remember, we are just lucky to be born here in Singapore. I must admit there are a few black sheeps around but not all of them are bad. We can't even guarantee our own people are all "good" people...right. Just like my colleague was relating a incident she saw on board a bus. A pregnant lady boarded the bus, its a blangadesh worker who gave up his seat for her...the rest just "pretend" as usual....Let's be more graceful and have a more open will be happier....
2008-09-08 01:21:50 UTC
I think its right to put them in a proper township and teach them to abide by the laws in singapore like cleanliness, courtesy to others etc...

I do not agree with these racist comments in this forum, they are no different, They will get the same treatment from other countries too you know, some countries do not like asians, they make fun of chinese looking people specially singaporeans.

What about americans or europeans? Arent you angry with them too? they come here in singapore and act like they own the place? spreading F words and do things like spraying paints on cars, eating inside mrt and calling us asians monkeys?

So what makes them so different from bangladesh/indians/chinese/myanmars/philipines etc. I dont see any singaporean doing construction jobs, walking into sewers, cutting grass, picking up the garbage, climbing trees to cut branches... atleast you could have said thankyou you ungratefulls!!! That is why we hire foerign workers, we depend more on them.
2008-09-08 00:20:54 UTC
Why not ? Is it because its a place where the richer lives? Be fair la, Jurong is already filled with foreign worker every where from every where. Maybe its near to the construction site. So they choose the school ma.

I think the old school is a good place, its able to contain clinic ,shops for the workers and there maybe security in the compound.

Because they are foreign worker??If they are Ang-MoH, you think those ppl will protest? All will suck up

2008-09-07 22:11:52 UTC
Yes, I would be able to accept as their contribution is instrumental to our nation building.

I think the townships should be to at the end of Singapore e.g. Tuas/Jurong, Pasir Ris. However, there should be constant checks on health/hygiene/security within the dormintory.
2008-09-10 19:26:12 UTC
I am staying in an apartment block less than 1 km from a foreign worker dormitory which housed 12,000 workers (with plans to expand another 6,000 more). They started moving in 2006. This is at the corner of Penjuru Road.

Before they came, our void deck was a place residents would interract and the Pandan Reservoir was a tranquil place for a family to take an afternoon stroll. There is also an open field where my son used to paly football with our neighbours children. I won't say that this place in Teban Gardens is heaven, but it is peaceful enough for a family not to worry about crimes.

Then the dormitory open, a local supermarket Sheng Shiong also opened for business in our neighbourhood. Soon after, workers came to our neighbourhood in the evening for grocery shopping (anyone local can relate to Sheng Shiong). Before you know it, residents can't use the void deck, take a stroll around the reservoir or play in the field. Why?

These workers in their hundreds (I am not exaggerating) walked the 1 km from their dormitory to buy cheap beer from the supermarket and sat in the field or void deck and chat until late at night. From our apartment we can see groups of 3 or 4 all over the field. After a while, there will be an argument, they will be shouting and fight will occur.

What really disgusted the residents here, they left beer bottles in the field, void decks, drains and practically everywhere.

We can forget about the afternoon stroll around the reservoir and women joggers are also told to take precautions. I once saw a group of worker sat at the waters edge and started to pee in the reservoir.

We the residents trie dto form a group to patrol the neighbourhood, but to no avail. Because these people know that citizens do not have the authority to arrest anyone littering, peeing in public, etc, and some of these workers really became aggressive when told to throw their rubbish into dustbins around.

The RCs say they can't do anything, the police are overstretched and our beloved MP (I won't say anything about this man afraid to take the risk of being sued), not doing anything. Since 2006 we complained to him and now 2008 no difference.

We are not discriminating, but we have values to live by and co-exist peacefully with our neighbours. What we want is the ability to unwind at home after slogging at work, but we can't. The void decks, the playground and the open field will be occupied by them.

Why not house them in and around Tuas, with all the amenities in the compound. We can accept them, but we can't accept their behaviour, like littering, peeing in public, shouting late at night, etc.

So, for those who said the people at Burghley Drive as snobs, elitist, etc, have no f*#cking idea. I invite them to take a first hand look at the current situation when housing them close to a housing estate. They are located at Teban Gardens, Toh Guan, Bukit Batok, Tampines. Look at the situation first hand and then comment. It seems that those who labelled the Burghley Drive residents, themselves are elitist.
2008-09-08 20:57:14 UTC
I don think its gd to put them near pte residential area. Those people who lives there are mostly those with money n status whereby they can hv a say. But what abt those who lives in HDB flats who hv to tolerate with all kinds of nuisance.Look at Boon Lay area.There's this blk filled with foreign workers staying there. For years,no one had ever made a big issue but why now when a foreign hostel to be setup in pte area so much protest going on? Remember,these workers are human too n they need proper plc to stay.They did contribute to our economy. What we need to do now is to get their employer to sent them on regular talks on dos n dons when staying here.Hv more useful activities for them every now n then.Always remember,don't always look down on others n think highly on yourself as there're time when u'll be squashed like an rotten orange.God creates all human being equal so think b4 u act.
2008-09-08 09:13:27 UTC
NO is my answer.Personally i bear no grudges against them, and i believe not all of them are like that but this is wat happen in my neighbourhood. I'm staying in the Jurong area and my neighbourhood shopping centre and mrt station are infested with foreign workers. I think those staying in this area will all nod their heads.Every weekends they will sit around the mrt stations or even on the grass field at the shopping centres partying and the worse is lying on the floor of hdb flats, they just simply party there as a group lying on the floor, and it really brings danger to us, a student in ntu was a rape victims by the foreign worker.Personally i try to avoid going out late in weekends, its so dangerous, when u walk past them they will look at you in one whole group and grin, it really gives me the creeps.When they finish their partying the next day when i go to work i will see rubbish everywhere,on the grass field, or on the floor of the shopping centre cos the bin overflow with rubbish, wat a ugly sight and it pose a dengue danger as well. Some of them also drink and when they get drunk they start fights and really posa a danger to us.Imagine if this continue in 2010 wat will the athletes in youth olympics think when they stay at NTU? rubbish everywhere, spitting on floor, talking loudly in the malls as if shouting, i dont think tats the kind of impression we wanna give them. I think maybe we should put them in a off shore island eg, sister island where there's shops , recreation and entertainment for them.
2008-09-08 08:26:05 UTC
For those who say yes to having the quaters(esp big ones which house so many workers) built near residential areas i.e the recent serangoon gardens, Pls say YES when later it's announced one will be built just opposit your block.

Those who have not worked in a shipyard, you should see how they behave.

I've got nothing against them but if you have kids(esp young daughter/s) and wife or sisters, then you would be worried.

The best place to have them is to be built at places like lim chu kang, tanah merah etc, away from estates.
2008-09-08 02:41:47 UTC
I would if our revered leaders show the way and allow such townships to build next to their own enclave like next to the Istana, Kiliney Rd, Bukit Timah Rd.
2008-09-07 22:36:31 UTC
Don't get me wrong, i understand the issue here. i understand the worries about the security and families and their children's security. i also understand how women feel about the foreigners looking at them with sometimes perverted looks. i have this issue too and mind you, i don't get these looks from foreigners only.

i live around Novena and i am literally surrounded by constructions around my block. i am living with foreign workers who are living in those tanks-look-a-like next to my block for the past one year and will be doing so probably until 2015. i am more annoyed by being surrounded by 3 simultaneous construction fields than them sitting around, working on construction fields, which can be quite dangerous and living in tiny boxes with probably 10 other mates or more. they've been living with me for the longest time and i have no problems with them.

for those complaining about the peeing around in staircases and littering... can i say that my condo, at Novena, is being peed and littered at in the staircase too, where no one else but the residents of the condo have access to? who does that? i think this is worse.

yes, there are a lot of exceptions and there are bad apples, as one said. but they are humans too. they left their families and loved ones to make their lives better back home. and they are willing to undergo quite a fair bit here just to make this happen for their families. would you have done the same?

giving them this opportunity to have a little township of their own, is to me, something great for those who will be able to get a place there, because not all of them will have this opportunity anyway. at least this will make it a tiny bit better for them.
2008-09-07 23:17:02 UTC
seriously NO WAY!!!!

these ppl are annoying and inconsiderate.they stare at girls making them feeling uncomfrotable.

have u ever met dirty workers blocking the passage way of the bus making the front door of the bus jam.

have u ever seen a BIG grp of dirty workers gathering in the train and talk very loudly when some ppl really need a peaceful time in the train esp after work.

does these ppl ever bathe or change their clothes?they really stink.they are polluting singapore.

singapore are already polluted with chinas , indo etc and now more of these workers.

omg,i really cant imagine how s'pore is going to be like after 50 years.

NO MORE workers pls...
2008-09-08 21:33:49 UTC
Strongly against. With these workers, citizens' security is compromised. Get them to stay in the ministers' backyard and you can be sure that such an idea would not even be born!
christie c
2008-09-08 18:42:59 UTC
Remember where our great grand fathers from? The foreign worker are human too!! Trying to earn a decent living here to provide their families back home!! Why can't we accept them as who they are? They are the one who keep our estate clean, our surrounding green and doing odd jobs that we Singaporean refuse to do. As human, we need friends and company, so what's wrong with hanging out or gathering with their own friends/comrade? Yes, they're welcome to our estate Woodlands, should there be any empty building in any area that we could use for them??
2008-09-08 01:27:57 UTC
I've seen problem at Jurong West area where it is near to the hostel. You can see many of them sitting everywhere below the block, urinate at many conrners and even drunkers. NO! I will not accept! Little india and chinatown maybe a suitable place for them.
2008-09-08 00:39:51 UTC
No, if given a choice.Currently, there are constructions nearby and they have invaded the void decks. They are lying down everywhere on the void deck for naps. I do not think I am racist but somehow it feels like privacy being invaded when they stare. Somehow , it gives you the creepy feeling that they are up to something. Maybe, if they are taught what is cutlurally acceptable in Singapore, it will be easier to get along..
angelia c
2008-09-07 22:03:10 UTC
No, I do not think having such a township is beneficial for Singapore. Instead of looking at short term; One should weight the long term effect too.

Such township would give rise to polarization in the country and 'status' etc. In time of may give rise to riot which will be more difficult to control. Once such township is given, it is not reversible.

It is best to leave it as it is. It has been like this for many years with no issue and accepted by all including foreigners who are working in Singapore. Emotional long term effect should be a sense of 'belong to Singapore" not 'Group' etc. Do we want such group such as 'Tamil Tigers' etc?
2008-09-07 23:26:17 UTC
I think it is NOT alright for them to stay at our estate even though they contribute to our country. Some of them DO NOT respect other people,the public,property AND EVEN THE LAW!!!

I mean they are staying in another country and it is something like going to someone else's house. When we are a guess we don't sit around making a nuisance of our self and dirty their places.

They have to learn to respect the country property. they should not have picnics in the middle of a public places, lie around and do as they please.

Out of all this i think security should also be step up as some of them drinks and get drunk right under our block instead of the coffee shop. This pose as a danger to the public as you may never know what will happen. I think something should be done to implement all this to them.

I have seen one or two getting drunk under the block and fought with each other. Luckily not all their friends were drunk and managed to pull them away before things got out of hand.


Nothing against all foreigner just this few people are the one who creates the trouble!!!!
2008-09-09 18:56:51 UTC
In democratic country, this would be put to a democratic process. However, this is not a democratic country, our leaders force everything on us (Eg. ERP, Casino, F1, Foreign Workers, etc). This is the way things are, you voted, just accept it. What I feel doesn't matter. If it happens to me, what to do? Just move out.
Teresa Lau
2008-09-08 07:58:15 UTC
We dont want another Serangoon Road or Beach Road in a peaceful enviroment like Seranngoon Gardens
2008-09-08 04:46:13 UTC
Before those saints who have said that they are willing to accept them and yada yada.. pls stay at jurong west/toh guan area and you would probably change your mind about them staying next to you. We have had incidences where these workers prowl in the middle of the night, molested/raped a few women and the many incidences where they are groped before they vanish. If you feel that your daughter/spouse is able to walk safely at night to your house, you have to think twice. It has happened and it will happend. So please comment only if you have stayed under these conditions. If not, just keep quiet.
chris c
2008-09-07 21:23:21 UTC
Btw , the school they want to convert to quarters... That's my school. Serangoon Garden Technical. I am ok for it being put for good use. but I don't think a quint town like Ser Grds should be the place for such quarters. It is not that all of them are bad people, but just a few bad apples will create a lot of inconvenience to the residence. If the Government thinks it is ok to build quarters there.. I suggest build one at Davly Estate and Rochalie too. that would be fair.
2008-09-08 03:18:16 UTC
i will accept a few but not alot.. cos we have student roaming around after school ... it will good to provide them a place to stay in a area where there is less human traffic and if better open a small stall for them to buy their food and toiletries for them so they do have to travel so far to get their stuff to use... treat them like human..not animals cos they need the care & concern . and they have to leave the countries that they stay to work here. we can show as a national.. just imagine if they are not here who is going to build your house or even clear the bin area... small things that we locals don't even want to do it
khaw r
2008-09-07 22:50:18 UTC
Yes, I would allow. Presently I am also renting one of my room in a 4-room flat to 4 china workers. They have been well-behaved, and do seek us for opinion when need arise. Maybe government may make us of this chance to allow more headcount to rent room from the private resident. It will also increases our income in this bad market.
2014-07-13 03:06:13 UTC
Dont give me extra work to clean up after these people. One more point , the increase of bicycles chain up at land landing is an indication of the amount of foreign workers in my block.At present I can see 9 bicycles?. Our lifel anding is not built to accomodate these amount.
Sir Isaac Newton
2008-09-08 01:26:28 UTC
i feel that they should not do that. they MUST bother about the safety of the residents living there. Who knows??? some might kidnap your family members??? rob you??? break into your house??? now whats the point of having a private estate??? if there are foreign workers around your house?
2008-09-08 01:05:15 UTC
Trough question asked. For those who experienced bad experiences, their answers are definitely a ‘No’.

There are some friendly foreign workers who can blend well with us and I really appreciated them.

However, this percentage is very little (especially those among from darker skin colour - I don’t mean to discriminate skin colours =X) as they are the ones causing problems when they are drunk.

That’s why alcoholic drinks are prohibited from convenience stores from certain time (if you noticed =P).

I gladly welcome those who don’t cause troubles or inconvenience to the residences. ^^
Frasier Colin Shai
2008-09-08 00:42:13 UTC
I don't mind them living around my estate as long as they behave well, don't create any trouble and no curry smell along the neighbour corridor.

The best place for them would be Jurong, Sembawang and Changi area. This is where they mostly work at. Near to their workplace and they can find cheap market for their groceries.
size XL
2008-09-08 22:38:29 UTC
Yes. Pioneer Rd North.Sg Kadut .Kranji and Kaki Bukit Area,
2008-09-08 18:25:15 UTC
o, there are just too many foreign workers in singapore. we just do not have the space to accomodate them. Singapore is even smaller than Kuala Lumpur.Moreover it will cause social problems in the future.
dried skin
2008-09-08 08:24:27 UTC
I've met some foreign workers who are polite, quiet and make space for others on MRT trains. However, I've also come across some who loiter in void decks, drinking and talking at the top of their voices. They leave their trash behind, oogle openly at women, pee in public, litter and spit on the floor. I've encountered China ppl (both men and women) who push and shove, squat on streets, shout into their handphones and even at each other (although they are next to each other). This is especially disturbing in enclosed places like trains and buses as you can't just walk away and leave it behind. Moreover, it seems that the number of foreign workers (especially PRCs) are increasing and they are everywhere you turn.

I know it can't be easy for foreign workers, being far away from home and family, so I try not to discriminate when I see them, but I cannot contain my disdain for those who practise the bad habits mentioned above. Surely missing home cannot be an excuse for bad behaviour? And whilst that may be the culture in their home country, they have to remember that this IS NOT their home country and as the saying goes, "when in rome, do as the romans do".

Perhaps this can be attributed to their lack of education. In which case, I think the employers or agencies responsible for recruiting foreign workers should educate the workers and remind them that spitting and littering are not just against culture norms, but against the laws. (China recently had a "No spitting/littering campaign in lieu of the Olympics, to give tourists good impressions).

After reading the newspaper interviews, I think the Serangoon Gardens' residents concerns are valid. Concerns of their maids being tempted and going astray are not unreasonable, especially since the govt has laws stating that if the maid has sex or gets pregnant, the employer is fined $5000. Who wants that sort of risk? And let's face it, as unpleasant as it sounds, property values WILL drop if the govt goes through with these plans. I don't blame the residents for being riled. Some of them may have paid good money for their houses. Their traffic concerns are also valid as some of the roads in the estate are narrow single lanes.

I appreciate foreign workers for their work in the construction and cleaning industries (and others I may have missed out), but let us not forget that they are paid to do so and these are their jobs. Being away from home does not give them the right to behave badly, same for you and me. When I work overseas, I want ppl to have a good impression of Singapore after all.

So all in all, at this point of time when I see more bad behaving foreign workers than good, I wouldn't encourage them staying in my estate. I can't help it if a foreign worker buys the house next to mine, but I definitely wouldn't appreciate the govt designating my estate as an area and commanding them all to come here. Housing them near the construction sites instead is a viable alternative in lieu of rising fuel prices and ERP charges. They should have easy access to basic amenities and food. This is for their safety too, as many times I have encountered foreign workers riding bicycles on the roads at night without proper safety precautions. In all fairness, we are not caging or isolating them, cos on their offdays they are free to venture where they like. I'm not against that; everyone needs a break after all. But I'm not ready to spend 24/7 with them just yet, not when I just want to be home and have some peace of mind.
2008-09-08 08:11:23 UTC
i am definitely against the idea...

do you actually want to wait until something serious happened,committed by by these short stay workers..& say it not viable for them to stay in our estate...

i had enough of being nice to these foreign workers,foreign talents & new far as i am concern,they don't think highly of us & they take every oppurtunities to muscle their way in & displace us,the locals...if we don't keep them in check!!...

as for this issue,if the MPs & those who are in favour of having them in their backyard/estate..why not gather them all up,create a township or even a new estate & have the MPs & those who are in favour of stay in the estate..honestly,that will solve the problem....

lets be honest,even the MPs will not lead the way...& have these foreign workers township in the vicinity of where they are will create new set of problems for them...sooner or later...
2008-09-08 05:35:19 UTC
The answer is NO. I would not like those guys to be housed near my estate. Right now they are like having little picnics under the void deck and making a lot of noise and drinking their beer.
2008-09-08 04:00:04 UTC
The fear and discrimination towards them is a bigger problem playing on the minds of Singaporeans than actually having them living near us. It sounds like a really bad idea but a lot of things can be done to address concerns of residents and limit the externalities.
2008-09-07 21:46:43 UTC
Our main concern will be security and unwanted behaviours

i believe setting up a course for these people to teach them the Singapore lifestyle before bringing them into the community. Eg Don't hang water dripping clothes out to dry. Don't litter.Loitering in big groups is not welcomed, policemen will check on you and you don't want that to happen to you.Flush the toilet after use(Don't be surprised, i knew many of the China Chinese(men and women alike)don't do that) Let them know the Dos and Don'ts.

Singapore is a FINE country i believe the Government can work things out.
wolf cub
2008-09-10 23:24:45 UTC
Singaporeans should not be so exclusionary. Foreign workers are needed to do the jobs that Singaporeans do not want to do so they of course must be housed. Basic civility and humanity.
2008-09-08 20:10:42 UTC
the question to ask is y are we housing them in a matured and private estate? why sgn gdns? they cook their own meals bcos they cannot afford to eat out. so how will housing them in sgn gdns help them feel at home? sincerely, i feel that these workers contributes alot to our society, without them, we are doomed. they are here bcos they need to feed their families back home. i dont think we shd b fearful of them. however, that does not mean we shd house them in a place that they will never feel at home. township means a place that is self-sustained. shouldnt we ask them what they need b4 we decide for them. i think they will feel at home if they have a community of their own, for a start. lets take it slow and let everyone get used to each other
2008-09-08 02:04:22 UTC
Yes why not, in my opinion its about time the goverment intervene with the housing issues put upon the foreign workers. its an irony that we allow foreign workers to come and work here but we dont want to be neighbors with them.WHY??? are we better human being than them? in a modern society like ours this thinking is UNACCEPTABLE!!!
Kevin O
2008-09-07 23:28:13 UTC
i feel unhappy if too many workers come into singapore cos a lot of singaporeans still cannot find jobs.. wondering if the governmentt knew that .. yes, they help to improve the economy.. but build too many estates for them will drive the singaporeans nuts and drive them to emigrate to other countries...
2008-09-08 20:14:48 UTC
Not in favour to keep them in our neighbourhoods as they may have an influence on our domestic maids. I have known of cases whereby maids get acquainted with these foreign construction workers which leads to unhealthy relationships. My ex-maid was an example.
2008-09-08 08:21:03 UTC
My mum lives in Jalan Bahar HDB area & now most of the flats r rented to China students or companies whom let their Bangalares stay in, alot of ppl would live in one unit & almost everynight, u can hear those Bangalare singing loudly downstairs or China workers talking loudly in the middle of the night, its worst during wkends. We dun really feel comfortable with so many of them living near us & we r moving out soon... ...
2008-09-07 23:28:05 UTC
They are just as human as we are , only unfortunately they are people who are in the blue collar community and they are are labour force that's built your country.

People who think they are more superior then others felt threatened, that their children , their maid ,their safety , How many crime are actually not committed by foreigner but by the local people....

whether you like it or not , the foreign workers are already very much blend into out community
Kenneth K
2008-09-07 23:17:05 UTC
No, they should not be housed anywhere near residential areas.

Industrial areas should be the designated domains to house them.

Bear in mind, Singapore is not their home, it is a place for lodging until their contract runs out... Are housing estates hotels or hostels?

It's not about elitism, it's about what citizenship means. It means to call a place our home and to treasure and protect it.

It's about a way of life that we are proud of, and will defend it against any element that threatens to change it.

To those who support putting foreign workers in housing estates?

Let me ask:

1) As citizens, do you want to wait for 1 rape case, 1 murder case or robbery case to happen for you to be convinced?

2) Try living with them in the Township then; ask them to take your daughters to school, ask them to cook meals for your daughters and tuck them in bed for their afternoon naps.
philip k
2008-09-07 21:55:56 UTC
Are we really such a shallow society that we can't even share an estate with these foreigners? Alot of it depends on perceptions and stigmas and i think its high time we take our heads out of the ground and realize that we need these people to help us in construction and so on.

To those who violently oppose, maybe they have a source of workers which the government should tap on. And furthermore, we fail to realize that these 'people' are human beings just like us. They too have dreams and aspirations and they too have families to care for. Yet the comments by some make it seem like we are talking about parasites as opposed to actual people. Why Singapore? Has our society forgotten the meaning of graciousness and the need for some humanity...
The Pariah
2008-09-09 01:41:20 UTC
MOM's policies solve problem of labour shortage but created another new problem of housing the workers. Why can't they house these workers in retrofitted containers with proper ventilators installed and these containers could be sited at the work-site with portable toilet and shower stalls?
2008-09-09 01:24:31 UTC
NO, this will bring about problems such as fighting, drinking, urinating, littering, molesting or even rape...

We should provide "safe" town to house these foreign worker..such as india and banga in little india...china and the rest in China Town???
2016-04-03 05:14:45 UTC
If I was an employer I would only hire natural born US citizens to work for me.. Our economy is bad enough and without giving away american jobs to foreigners
2008-09-09 00:49:58 UTC
Yes I will allow them but not in my estate. they should be far from locals estate to avoid the locals anger and may result to violence. They should be brief first before they come here in singapore, about the law and respect to people living in peace around therm and most of all they should be aware of cleanliness of the soroundings, specially amongs themselves, they cannot walk around and riding buses and mrt's smelling and looking like sh*t...
David J
2008-09-09 00:27:18 UTC
KRANJI is a good place. It should be as big as army camp where is can hold more than 10 000 workers with mini bus interchange for them to go to work
Dolly p
2008-09-08 20:18:01 UTC
I wont be happy because it is not too safe for the residents. In the first place can anyone guarantee no break in or robbery and safety for our teenage girls at home? No matter what the culture are different.

Thank you.
2008-09-07 23:10:16 UTC
For those who answered yes to the questions. Pls make your way to Boon Lya interchange on a weekend to see for yourself and ask if you are still in singapore, and how do u feel?
2008-09-08 07:02:19 UTC
If you don't mind your hard-earned capital asset depreciated overnight because of policies conjured up by "academicians" in their own world, why not? Hey, its only a couple of hundreds of thousands of dollars. NOT!! It makes me wonder how well thought out were these plans in the first place. To me, it demonstrates a total lack of sensitivity to the concerns for the man-on-the-street.
I robot
2008-09-10 07:15:57 UTC
Are citizen, permanent resident or foreigner human beings? Why so sensitive? What if the situation happen on us if we are in their country? How do u feel? Why not accept? i able to accept foreign workertownships in my heartlands. i support the location recommended by the government.
2008-09-08 03:38:45 UTC
Hope you don't mind to answer my question 1st. If singaporean went to other countries like Canada or Middle East because of your career or study (maybe your children now stay somewhere in the world?) and were threaten by the same way because they are foreigner; eg: please stay 50km away from my home, you will create problem to my country, go back!!!
2008-09-08 01:42:34 UTC
House the workers with their employers.

No, I will not accept them in the heartlands. Just put five of them in the room of their employer's house or what these workers can rent. No space for them? Then don't import them.

To those who says yes - Rent your rooms to them.
2008-09-07 21:58:43 UTC
I don't mean to discriminate foreign workers. My own estate is located near their quarters and its getting kind of annoying when they hang out at our estate's void deck or sitting at the park grass patch drinking and chatting loud (its quiet at night.. surely their voice sounds loud). We all need a good rest after a long day and definitely want to feel secure enough to reach home safely. They just stared as we walked past them (I mean how else am I going to walk towards my block)

Not to mention the way they crowd in groups around the staircase of the MRT and blocking our ways. Talking so so loud on their handphone. Its just something about our culture and behaviour that clashes with them.

Once again I emphasize that I have nothing against them just that am not pleased with their habits at times. Wish they are located further away from housing estates or refrained from loitering without intent around housing estates that they aren't residing.
yong o
2008-09-08 18:21:53 UTC
No I can't accept that. Maybe in industrial park in Woodlands or Kranji separated from the main residential area.
2008-09-08 17:38:35 UTC
No is my answer too. I think we have too much culture difference and living habits. I will not be able to tolerate that. If the government bulid a house for them in my neighbour hood, be sure that i will move to elsewhere.
2008-09-08 00:46:40 UTC
i personally will not like foreign workers to live near my place or within 3 bus stops radius... let's be frank.. not much people will say Yes! to them... with all the problems created by.. traffic don't... to u knows those la.. don't need to explain more.. in simple english "Trouble!" however i would suggest them to be house at industrial area... ? e.g. those in Toh Guan Rd area... near towards the industrial area.
2008-09-07 23:25:25 UTC
Good idea! That school has a very big compund! I guess it's one of a rare decent place in Sg for foreigner workers where they are able to have some sort greenery, sports, a great get away from the cramp HDB/industrial place.
rosalind p
2008-09-07 23:19:11 UTC
Foreign workers are human beings and should be treated as such. I suggest that all the ministers show the ordinary citizens the proper way to welcome them into our midst. Perhaps we can have worker's quarters built near Oxley Road, Orchard Road or Namly Road. There is nothing better than leading by example.
2008-09-09 00:37:48 UTC
there is no way i want foreign workers in my estate. i work in the construction industry and i know what kind of trouble these people get into.
2008-09-08 08:17:07 UTC
Whats wrong with that? If they stay in the heartland, they will know how the local behave and expected from them. Without them these country will not be in these stage right now.
2008-09-09 01:22:21 UTC
I wouldn't mind letting them living in housing estates. some residents feel that by letting them live there, it would endanger their lives but they forget that even they can be endangered by local people also...

So whats the difference by not allowing them live in their neighbourhood. They are more than welcomed to live in my neighbourhood.
2008-09-08 07:38:30 UTC
If you watch more of Ch49 on cable tv; and see the trouble of bad governance, you'll start to count your blessings and feel proud of our Singapore government. Whatever our government plans, i have 100% confidence it will be well thought of and beneficial for our nation. I'm 100% behind George Yeo!
2008-09-08 00:28:29 UTC
Why not accommodate them according to the rule HDB allow quota on nationality on an estate. foreigner workers - not too many on one estate, too?
2008-09-07 21:20:09 UTC
I am truly saddened by the elitist attitude that has emerged from this whole "foreign worker" housing situation. What has sparked this "not in my backyard"mentality? Since when did one heartland are become more exclusive than another? Most of these people come here to work in areas we Singaporeans refuse to even consider, make miserable wages and yet we don't believe that they deserve decent housing and decent recreation? I am truly saddened by this.
Cherian A
2008-09-07 21:50:58 UTC
Yes. They deserve proper housing. If resident like Serangoon Garden residents are up in arms and think that they are too good to be living in the midst of foreign workers, I think we should charge such residents a very high fee in order to have the privilege of using facilities that these people help us create like roads, hawker's centers, etc etc. Maybe all the towkays who signed the petition should be barred from hiring foreign workers for their own companies.
2008-09-08 07:14:25 UTC




2008-09-07 23:26:00 UTC
Singpore is limited in space. And we must bear in mind too that our forefathers too were here as new as them and came h ere to work before settling down. And the products were us! You mean the foregieners arent humans and they cant be treated as equal as us? Our pledge says it all, equality in all. Social problems can come in any form not only through the accomodation of foregieners. Let us respect them as humans and be a gracious society.

We, the citizens of Singapore,

pledge ourselves as one united people,

regardless of race, language or religion,

to build a democratic society

based on justice and equality

so as to achieve happiness, prosperity and

progress for our nation.

We seriously have to look at our pledge and reflect on it!!
catalina m
2008-09-08 16:38:20 UTC
As a foreign worker here as well, we are humans , have feelings ,please treat us fair and not all foreign workers are bad.We need a good shelter as well .Singapore gov.know better for us let them decide where we suppose to be ,Thank you.
lee l
2008-09-07 23:32:14 UTC
I think is fine provided they are being take care by camp boss and being disciplines to follows dos and dont's in singapore context.
David C
2008-09-08 19:54:45 UTC
Please house them in the industrial areas. Not residential area,especially not S. Gardens. I dare not drive along Little India as an example on certain nights. The way they behave and cross the streets like no vehicles on the road. Thanks
kongleng l
2008-09-08 06:19:45 UTC
If they are lowly foreign workers...

NO WAY!!!.... Just look at them in trains, buses and everywhere... They are loud, noisy, no culture, no respect and some look like they have never seen a woman before in their life!! To be fair to them, they made us looked not as "Kai Su" as we thought we were!!!

I doubt there will peace in estate! I doubt we'll be seeing green grass in our estates as they can sit anywhere and everywhere!!!

For safety sake!!

For peace sake!!

For kids sake!!

For ladies sake!!

For litter free sake!!

For green sake!!

For security sake!!

NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
2008-09-08 01:49:15 UTC
Prefer Not - the way they gape at all the ladies is not healthy. They can house in areas like Tuas, & Changi.
2008-09-08 23:48:20 UTC
How about hearing some voices from the other side instead of all this one-sided and quite possibly superficial views?
2008-09-07 22:07:12 UTC
No i dont tink they should be allowed living in my area.. they should be cluster in just one area for them to stay. as now Foreign workers are overwhelming in singapore..Even mrt and buses are alwaes packed with them.. In addition some of them are lacking in manners just like some singaporeans when they take public transport..

Goverment should create a quarters for them to stay and company should arrange transport for them to n fro from their work this will reduce the congestion off public transport as around 20% of the people using public transport are the foreign workers..
Hon Meng M
2008-09-08 23:40:44 UTC
No, because they are rowdy and create nuisance. I think kaki bukit, tuas and others location where they are a distance away from resident palce.
2008-09-08 00:38:22 UTC
Employers should house their workers near their workplace or in industrial estate and not in residential estates (HDB/Private)
Danny C
2008-09-08 20:57:15 UTC
The best location is red hill....It's accessible to anywhere in Singapore
Nappy Nap
2008-09-08 04:50:13 UTC
i reckoned those concurring to the idea are obviously people not staying there or are landed property owners. Nobody would want to see their property value going south and who are not worried if their young daughters have to bypass that area... common' be honest.. just ask yourself ...
2008-09-07 21:21:31 UTC
pls bear in mind, most of these foreigners are here for short while with no committment to SG. there are culture and social differences ih which the govt must understand and needs to be balance. it will cause inconveniences to the residents, currently there are no regulations, enforcements and committments to control possible crimes and issues.

we hv to understand no one wants to take uneccessary risks. And the main beneficial are the govt and corporations, not the residents staying there.
Joseph K
2008-09-09 00:28:06 UTC
I definitely won't accept.

It should be near industrial estates which large area. My suggestion is Kranji.
2008-09-08 23:33:08 UTC
Before the whole community starts pointing their fingers at the residents, why not deeply look into the reasons behind those strong opposition.

(1) Value - No doubt about this... the value of your property will definately go tumbling down. Factors that determine value of your house are MRT station, shopping centres, school, market etc... would you specially look for a house that is near worker's dormitory?

(2) Security & Environmental issue - This is one big problem we are talking about. At night foreign workers from all over the island will come to "visit" their friends, create parties, drinking sessions, lingering around void deck, fighting, dirty void deck when they leave, smelly lifts because they urine inside, messy football fields after they finish their picnics and no more cycling for you because they like to "CAMP" on the pavement. Your furnitures and neighbourhood smell of curry from morning to night, from night to morning. Workers go shopping with only a shirt and their sarong... and I mean only their sarong... (dun want to explain further...............) As a parent, would you feel safe for your young kids when they return from school ? would you feel safe when your teenage daughters return from college ? Would they take care of your neighbourhood like the way u do ? Sad to mention but this is a fact, you can expect prostitutes to flock around looking for customers, Indian grocery stores start opening and blast songs so loud they burst your ears. Workers smoking and throwing buds all around the area. "BOOK" all the pavilions and playground for their gathering. (Who the hell is paying for the maintenance fee every month ?).

Of course they are welcome to work in our country. Their contribution is also much seen & appreciated. But we also have to bear in mind, they are not likely high-educated and putting poster around the area to tell them " PLEASE KEEP OUR NEIGHBOURHOOD CLEAN" does not help. Unless the government can take efforts to educate them on personal hygiene ,environmental issue co-operation and social manners. (They hang their underwears all over the building, more colourful than the decorations for National Day). We do not practise the policy about : If you cannot change them, be like them....

A police station to be built in the township so that they can conduct regular check for illegial workers. Raids more often so that the sex industry doesn't start in your estate. More environmental officers on patrol to catch workers who litter and dirty the neighbourhood. No point we keep cleaning and they keep throwing. Waste of time and waste of efforts. [If you want to know how bad the situation can be, take a look at Jurong Point and the empty fields around that area. After saturday and sunday of cricket games, the whole field look like battlefield with curry spilled all over, plastic bags and empty beer bottles all over the place, fallen dustbins and happy crows feasting. If we are not allow to feed pigeons, why are the crows having a party ?

It is not about just building a place for them or throwing welcome party to tell them how nice are Singaporean to open their arms and bring them in like family. It is about building spaces between people who can live comfortably with each other with reasonable level of security and acceptance.

If we start turning every housing estate into Little India, what is going to be the difference? We can build one township right beside HDB office or MND or even NEA, Marine Parade, Jurong, Whampoa and CCK etc . When the election come, ask the workers to queue up and get them to vote as well. >.<

They come to Singapore for average 2 to 4 years. But we are staying in neighbourhood for the next 30 to 40 years to come. Put this on your scale.
2008-09-08 00:31:24 UTC
Singaporeans are snobs and hypocrites lah! Embrace white folks (no matter what class) with open arms (and mouths) while rejecting own Asians. This country is going to sink in its own ****!
john j
2008-09-07 22:03:20 UTC
u say 'no' is a descrimination, and say 'yes' then u have to face wth problematic foriegn worker. coz if u allow this and not look at the problem than there's nothing wrong, but if u look deeper into it there's a lot of matter to look into. most of all is over crowded where agent and management will stuff in as much people as possible thus make the place cramp and noisy. and second of all is drinking problem where most of them have this problem and police have to step in. so basically there no saying in this matter. as for my opinion is very easy. U HAVE MONEY U RENT and solve all the problem
Khayr Al-anwar
2008-09-11 10:14:11 UTC
They should wear luminous vests for their own safety. Like the ang moh labourers here in Australia. All of them wear it. Cos I said ang moh wear it, im not being racist.
2008-09-07 21:22:56 UTC
No Way! These workers are supposed to be housed away from housing estates. Their behaviour sometimes is very annoying. They sometimes dressed indecently when they are at home (near windows / corridors) or going for bath. And when they start hang around outside, they always stares at girls. Their lifestyle is different from that of Singaporeans. Therefore they should be housed away from our Singapore residents to protect our privacy!
2008-09-08 02:41:24 UTC
1) No, they smell bad.

2) Anywhere where there isn't a residential estate in the radius of 1km
2008-09-07 21:43:40 UTC
I would not mind, as long as they do not cause any trouble or grief. Because honestly, after a hard day's work,they need a nice and proper place to rest like any other people. If the people are still worried, maybe they could filter out the better workers to stay at certain areas?
2008-09-08 07:54:40 UTC
That's racist. You might even create 'bangladeshi' vs 'indian' wars or 'siam' vs 'burmese'. If the government really wanted to do this...How about Pulau Hantu.
2008-09-07 21:14:38 UTC
no way any housing areas or housing estates will be allowed for this troubles makers or foreign workers to be contained.

these people should be housed in area like kranji or neo tiew areas. where there's workers are staying there too.

they can contribute their work on constuction and create alot troubles for us as well.

as i say before these are contract workers who comes to singapore to earn a living and they are paid to do so.

if the goverment insists of housing them in burghely drive, it will means endless troubles for the citizens there.
2008-09-08 17:16:07 UTC
For your information, my place near Yishun st. 61 also have a very big workers quarter, of course it is very deserted from residential areas.So, unless you go near it, they will not wonder far away from their quarter, it is quite actual facts, they are quite discipline,

I think....
2008-09-08 08:45:22 UTC
why spent so much time and effort on them ?

can't our govermant spent time and effort on our own ppl ?

they come here to work, still want to choose nice place for them to stay.

I go for NS, yet they send me to Sunai Gerdong.

have they thought about how I feel when i report back to camp ?
Kinery C
2008-09-08 07:57:50 UTC
Some other industrial estate will be more suitable!
2008-09-08 01:37:13 UTC
I hope that the authority got the message. Singaporean DID NOT welcome them. Too many. It's getting crowded. Not including millions of bicycles everywhere.
2008-09-07 23:44:57 UTC
So long as they don't stink, they can stay in a hostel for all I care. Not in my estate, but elsewhere.
steven l
2008-09-08 07:35:44 UTC
I don't see any problem in housing them in Serangoon. Although i am leaving in this area.
2008-09-08 05:06:24 UTC
I agree.

Built one near PM and Ministers house and we will follow.
Answering Machine
2008-09-08 00:50:09 UTC
yes, sure, their humans too, they need a place to live at

however, there's condition,

they must treat this country as their own, and like do less harm to our country
2008-09-08 01:23:34 UTC
no i will not accept foreign workers Re: they are not singaporean so they threat our country like toilet .
2008-09-10 19:55:04 UTC
probably build in outlying area like kranji reservoir area i reckon
Vis T
2008-09-08 04:00:10 UTC
why must it be at serangoon why not at Aljunied the Minister is from there. so start at your GRC estate . why go to serangoon.
2008-09-07 21:17:36 UTC
Everyone need a home. No matter where we have to provide them with good housing and teach them the proper living not to do things they are not supposed to do . Not only this India or Bangladesh people doing nuisance things around us but we have the Myanmar or Indonesia and even the China people come to Singapore with different style of living until they became known of our living habit they will follow eventually . I have no home of my own ,living in a rental room with my 2 kids and i have to get used of living like that until i have my own home so please don't treat people unknowingly of their plight why they are here ?
Bertier и спурс болельщик
2008-09-09 02:44:12 UTC
Let them stay near old lee and all the MPs... that's the best solution..
2008-09-08 07:25:06 UTC
No problem at all, as the old Chinese saying goes: within 4 seas, all men are brothers. Lets welcome them with open arms.

lim towkay
2008-09-07 21:25:20 UTC
why not treat them as a human to if is not at serangoon garden find a better place for them pleas don't discriminate our fellow foreign worker....
sudhir m
2008-09-08 10:09:19 UTC
This is apartheid pure and simple! We should be ashamed of ourselves!
2008-09-08 07:47:12 UTC
A Definite No No!!!
2008-09-08 06:32:55 UTC
they should be housed at Jurong Island where they will not be near us.
lorrain l
2008-09-07 21:07:45 UTC
yes, i will allow foreign worker in my estate.
2008-09-07 22:30:59 UTC
No. most of them cant behave
2008-09-08 07:10:49 UTC
I feel that it is okay. I would gladly accept them.
alex b
2008-09-08 01:37:55 UTC
They clean our estate and take away the rubbish. Build our home, that does not make them second class, i welcome them.
2008-09-07 21:20:02 UTC
Housing them within 2km of their workplace would be practical. And lets remember the pledge ...without ...
2008-09-07 21:41:23 UTC
No is my direct answer. they can be a nuisance when they are in a group regardless from where they come. our luv ones will be affected by their activities
2008-09-07 23:09:58 UTC
2008-09-09 01:11:50 UTC
no way
Sarah T
2008-09-08 18:25:50 UTC
it sucks!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.