check out these ones...................
Invest-o-matic. Fast, affordable websites for real estate investors! Real Estate Investing for Creative Real Estate Investors Turnkey Web Sites for Real Estate Investors
Real Estate Course Read customer reviews of various real estate guru courses.
Tenant Insider. Free and subscriber information commercial, retail, office and industrial leasing.
State by State Guide to Escrow Closings Who does closings in my state? What types of deeds are used? Who pays title insurance? When are property taxes due? Find out the answers to these questions and more!
Public Records Searches. Links to FREE state records databases, including real estate records.
Real Estate Gurus Online. A collection on real estate guru web sites.
Landlord-Tenant Information
Saferent.Receive complete, objective leasing recommendations in 30 seconds!
Tenant Credit Reports. Service that provides credit reports for landlords and property management companies.
Rental Housing Online. Rental housing information for Landlords, Tenants & Real Estate Investors. Hundreds of free pages, dozens of valuable services, even more for members (Java applet-based, so be patient with loading pages!)
Apartment Offers a wide variety of information and features of interest to the owners and operators of rental housing.
Federal Fair Housing Law. Full text of federal fair housing statute.
Housing Discrmination Guide. Free from Nolo Press (should really be called "Housing NON-discrimination Guide, Shouldn't it?!)
Mr. Landlord. Collection of links to state law summaries of landlord-tenant law.
Real Estate Law & Government Sites
State Landlord/Tenant Laws & Eviction Rules. From Rental Housing Online. Links to state eviction rules, security deposit laws, rent control rules and apartment associations.
State Property Law Statutes. A collection of online state statutes relating to property law from Cornell University.
State Law Limits on Security Deposits. State-by-State summaries from Yahoo! Real Estate & Nolo Press
Real Estate Licensee Rules. A compendium of online real estate manuals and laws for most states.
State Real Estate Agencies. A partial list of official state agencies that license and regulate real estate agents. Includes state-specific real estate information and some contract forms.
County Real Estate Records. A nationwide listing of County real estate recording offices.
Are You Covered?. Answers to common questions about homeowner's insurance coverage.
Nolo Press. Free articles regarding basic real estate issues. Publisher of forms and books focused on Califormia law.
California Foreclosure Law. Excerpt of Cal Civil Code dealing with homeowner's right to cancel purchase contract.
Foreclosures & REOs Excellent guide to foreclosure information nationwide. Offers accurate, state-specific lists of foreclosures for AZ, CA, IL, NY & NJ.
Fannie Mae Online. List of online single-family properties for sale.
First Union Bank - Foreclosure REOs from a large national bank.
Foreclosure Process in Canada. Website detailing Canadian foreclosures & listings.
HUD and VA Foreclosures. A Free nationwide database of HUD & VA repos for sale.
Bank of America. BOAs online list of real-estate-owned (REO) properties.
Federal Real Estate Loans & Mortgages. Information about credit reporting, foreclosed homes, government and bank-owned properties. - California, Arizona & Nevada foreclosure auctioneers that have listings, including property photographs, opening bids, and property detail.
All-Foreclosure Information. National sources for pre-foreclosure, some how-to info and newsgroups to talk to others interested in foreclosure.
Department of Housing & Urban Development. A wealth of consumer information on housing, mortgages, discrimination laws, government laws and a state by state list of recently foreclosed homes for sale.
Foreclosure Free Another state-by-state searchable index of foreclosure properties.
Real Estate Related Resources
Dealmaker's Cafe - Subscriber-based discussion forums for real estate investors
Yahoo Home Values. List of comparable sales by address and price in selected states.
Real Estate Tool Belt. Real estate guru reviews, articles and books for sale.
Dataquick. Detailed information on home sales, comparables, businesses & UCC filings. Fee-based.
First Amercian Real Estate Services. Detailed information on home sales, mortgages and loans from public records. Fee-based.
U.S. Housing Markets. Collection of local, regional and national housing data.
Real Estate Investor Web Sites. Professional real estate web sites built specifically for the creative real estate investor.
Real Estate Software. RealtyGuide's excellent list of of links to real estate-related software online.
Best Real Estate Site. Articles about foreclosures, real estate paper and HUD homes. A Comprehensive Real Estate Directory of agents, lawyers, mortgage brokers, assocations, builders and 50 other categories related to real estate.
Inman Real Estate News Service. Features daily real estate news, book reviews and articles from various authors, including syndicated columnist Robert Bruss.
Creative Real Estate Online. Popular site for real estate investing information, including articles from various authors, chat room and newsgroup.
Wealth Network. Over 7,000 pages of information, including articles, FREE software, reports and newsletters, landlord, mortgage and foreclosure laws for all 50 states.
Century 21 and REMax. Mostly geared toward retail buyers, but has some good articles on obtaining mortgages and investing in various types of real estate. Also contains listing that you can search by state, price, property type, etc.
Asset Solutions 2100, LLC. A Real Estate Investment program involving insured international bank instruments in exchange for equity.
Real Estate An online community of real estate investors sharing ideas.
Real Estate A national web site network covering all fifty states & over one hundred cities! Canadian-based real estate website, offering residential and commercial information.
Real Estate Exchange. Nationwide listing of properties for sale with owner terms and exchange
Mortgage & Loan Info Private residential and commercial bridge loans. Online applications.
Hard Money Network. A list of real estate "hard money" equity lenders.
Mortgage 101. A vast resource for everything and anything about mortgages, including eligibility for VA and FHA loans.
Microsoft Home Advisor. Contains tips for buying, inspecting, selling and the closing process, as well as a huge search engine for mortgage loan information.
Go Free & Clear. Information about the inside secrets of home mortgage financing.
The "Note" Biz
America's Note Network. A secondary market for real estate notes and other cash flows.
Midwest Notes. A nationwide note purchasing firm specializing in helping Real Estate Agents, Builders, and Investors close more transactions by using Owner Finance Notes. Good information on the "how to" side of simulteanous closings.
Real Estate Associations
Association of Independent Real Estate Owners. Dallas-based real estate investors organization.
Boca Real Estate Investment Club. South Florida's premier investor association entering it's 10th year.
Columbus Real Estate Investors Assoc. Serving Centrial Ohio investors, landlords, lenders and realtors.
Texas Real Estate Club. Online community for real estate investing.
Real Estate Investment Associations Online. A list of local investor groups from Mr.
Real Estate Investment Club of Los Angeles Local investment group for Los Angeles area.
San Diego Creative Investors Assoc. Local investment group for San Diego
Colorado Association of Real Estate Investors. Website for Colorado Real Estate Information.
Wealth Builders Group of Tampa Bay. Local investment group for west coast Florida investors.
Real Estate Investors Association of Columbus, OH. Local investment group.