probably not cuz its happenin all over w/the housing situation what it is today..
people are going crackers here in Mobile over the very same thing/watching the value
of their 400k pieces hit the skids cuz developer went under and another developer bought
the lots adn is doing 150-200 units on it cuz thats what sells today. any covenants in the
deed about mins. for places to be built/any bi laws for the subdivision?...probably not....but
if you have a guarantee in writing about mins. and dollars to be built there, signed by the
builder you may have a good case/problem is takes 3/4 yrs to get to the court house steps.
if he went under, probably not a leg to stand the due dilligence to find out about your
subdivision, or the plat for it filed with the building dept for the town/see what the plat and any
restrictions say/take it from there. but get a move on cuz they're not stopping waiting on you
to object